UNAIDS presents UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with leadership award for his commitment to the response to HIV
UNAIDS recognizes Mr Ban for his outstanding efforts to ensure access to HIV services for all and for speaking out for the most marginalized in society.

The United Nations turns 70
A timely opportunity to highlight its many and enduring achievements.

Daily Development book is launched
In 2013, UNAIDS launched the Daily Development blog to explore, in the run up to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), global development and the people behind it. The blog covered the whole range of development issues to be addressed by the SDGs—health, human rights, innovation, the arts, education, economics, the environment and more.

UNICEF: Millions of children around the globe still left behind
Despite significant achievements, too many of the world’s poorest children face inequalities that are having a dramatic impact on their health, education and future prospects, warns UNICEF in a report published on 23 June.

The sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly calls for shared responsibility and global solidarity to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030
United Nations Member States welcomed and reflected on the latest HIV report of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, entitled Future of the AIDS response: building on past achievements and accelerating progress to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, at the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly on 8 June in New York, United States of America.

Ending the AIDS epidemic in Belarus: joint commitments and joint efforts
Almost 300 stakeholders involved in the provision of international development assistance in Belarus have taken part in an event in Minsk to review national progress in meeting the Millennium Development Goals and to consider the country’s post-2015 agenda.

Millennium Development Goals report 2014
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched on 7 July the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) report 2014, which presents the most comprehensive global assessment of progress under the eight goals to date.

Asia and the Pacific committed to setting ambitious HIV prevention and treatment targets
Significant progress has been made in the Asia and the Pacific region towards reaching the targets of the 2011 United Nations Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS, and the region can aspire to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. This was one of the main conclusions of the two-day consultation held on 12 and 13 June in Bangkok, Thailand, to discuss the challenges and opportunities for accelerating the scale-up of HIV prevention and treatment programmes in the region post-2015.

Growth is not enough to end extreme poverty, says World Bank Group
If the world is to effectively reduce poverty and reach key development goals in critical areas such as health and education, countries need to focus not only on achieving growth as an end in itself but on implementing policies that allocate resources to those who are extremely poor. This is the central message of a recent major World Bank paper that explores how nations can enhance shared prosperity and ensure that growth is of benefit across the board.
UNAIDS welcomes new leadership of Ray Chambers in support of the health-related Millennium Development Goals
The United Nations Secretary-General has appointed Ray Chambers as the first Special Envoy for Financing the Health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As part of his expanded role, Mr Chambers will promote increased investment by the public and private sectors for the AIDS response.