World AIDS Day 2014 - Campaign materials
Use the close the gap posters or design a set of posters to reflect any gaps that need to be closed. Download high-resolution posters in English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Download a PowerPoint slide to enter your own text
Close the gap
Close the HIV prevention gap
Close the HIV testing gap
Close the HIV treatment gap
Close the funding gap
Close the research gap
Close the innovation gap
Close the education gap
Close the knowledge gap
Close the gap—leave no one behind
Close the gap—full respect for human rights
Close the gap—protective laws for all
Close the gap—no more stigma
Close the gap—empower all women everywhere
Close the gap—leave no one behind
Close the gap—zero discrimination
Close the gap—zero new HIV infections
Close the gap—zero AIDS-related deaths
12 Populations
Close the gap—people living with HIV need access to HIV services
Close the gap—adolescent girls and young women are being left behind
Close the gap—prisoners are being left behind
Close the gap—migrants are being left behind
Close the gap—people who inject drugs are being left behind
Close the gap—sex workers are being left behind
Close the gap—gay men and other men who have sex with men are being left behind
Close the gap—transgender people are being left behind
Close the gap—children and pregnant women living with HIV are being left behind
Close the gap—displaced persons are being left behind
Close the gap—people with disabilities are being left behind
Close the gap—people aged 50 years and older are being left behind