MDG6 report - Video footage
Be a success story ... Like me
15 Years of the AIDS Response 2000 - 2015
Be Like Me... a Success Story
15 Million on Treatment
UN Secretary General at "How AIDS Changed Everything" report launch
UNAIDS Executive Director at "How AIDS Changed Everything" report launch
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Broll Shotlist
TRT: 8:24
(Shot in Ethiopia January 2015)
In 2003, Abiyot Godana found out that she was pregnant. She had been living with HIV since 1997. To help ensure her child would be born free from HIV, she immediately enrolled into a programme for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV.
Today 73% of all pregnant women living with HIV across the globe have access to PMTCT services.
Abiyot’s son Mikias was born free from HIV. A few years later she had a daughter Mekedelawit who was also born HIV-free.
Abiyot sells chips at a stall on the side of the road. She uses the stall as a platform to encourage women to get tested and know their HIV status.
In 2014, there were 730 000 people living with HIV in Ethiopia.
Women accounted for 62% people living with HIV at the end of 2014.
-- 41% of all adults living with HIV were accessing treatment in 2014 up from 23% in 2010.
-- 73% of pregnant women living with HIV had access to antiretroviral medicines to prevent transmissions of HIV to their babies in 2014.
AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 41% since the peak in 2004.
In 2014, 1.2 million people died from AIDS-related causes worldwide compared to 2 million in 2005.
Godana: 27 SECS
I went to the hospital because I wanted to have children free from HIV. I followed up with my treatment to assure myself and to be a role model for others. I am very happy that my children are free from the virus. They are my testimony and I even consider myself free when I look at them. The thought of having a family free from HIV - children free HIV brings so much joy to my life.
WIDE SHOTS Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
City shot
Street shots, people walking in street, crowd shots
Abiyot and her daughter walking to her outdoor stall
CU Chips stand
Woman buying chips from Abiyot
Family at home...Daughter Mekedelawit getting dressed
Abiyot in house with two children (Mikias son)
Family leaving their home
Abiyot walking to hospital
Abiyot with doctor getting a check up
CU of heart pressure gauge
Counselling with hospital
Abiyot and her husband
-- South Africa
(Shot in Johannesburg, January 2015)
Koketso Mokhethoa is 24 years old and was born with HIV. She was in and out of the hospital as a child and learned about her HIV status when she was 13. Her parents passed away in the late ‘90s. When she met Tyron (HIV-free) she did not think she could start a family but with access to antiretroviral medicines for her own health to prevent passing the virus to her child she was able to give birth to a baby girl born HIV-free.
Mokhethoa (17 SECS)
When I found out I was pregnant I made sure I continued with my treatment, I made sure there was no time of defaulting and I attended a clinic which is in Coronation hospital which is a clinic where we have PMTCT.
Wide Shot of houses, train with Joburg stadium in background
Exterior of house
Mokhethoa and daughter
Daughter getting on tricycle
Mokhethoa cuddling with daughter
-- India
(Shot in June 2015)
Veena (no last name) was diagnosed in 2000 with HIV. She started HIV treatment in 2004.
Veena (21 SECS)
- I am living with HIV 15 years
- This medicine is good medicine.
- Before I think my life is blank, but this time no. This disease is not so bad.
Veena hanging laundry
Veena taking pills
CU of pills in hand
Long shot of Veena drinking water to swallow pills
Veena walking in street
-- Cambodia
(Shot in Phnom Penh in April 2015)
Former entertainment worker Rath Chan Molika, is now an outreach worker and peer counsellor with the SMARTgirl program.
SOUNDBITES (encrusted) 24 SECS
Molika (she is talking to young women sitting in a club) : Why don’t all entertainment workers go and get tested for HIV?
Answer on cam (woman yellow top) : Because I don’t know where to go.
Molika: What else?
Answer on cam (black top) : Because I dare not go, I am afraid.
There are more than 30 000 entertainment workers in Cambodia. Most are young women and they can be at higher risk of HIV. A third of entertainment workers do not know their HIV status. But communities are driving change with rapid HIV tests.
Exterior of entertainment place in Phnom Penh
Molika counselling young entertainment workers in a lounge
Molika taking notes: name, date, age
CU finger prick
Blood on test strip
Molika and others picking up of treatment
Street shot
Young cambodian boys in street
Young boys getting HIV counselling
(Archive footage Pakistan)
Sign of HIV Treatment Center
Doctor and patient
Counsellor explaining pills and treatment
CU eye shot of patient
CU of boxes of medicines
Blood test
(Archive footage Algeria)
Young woman getting check up
Counsellor advising patient
Young woman picking up her medicine
UNAIDS video contacts
C. Sector tel + 41 22 791 5587
Roman Levchenko tel +41 22 791 3873
Other videos: UNAIDS YouTube channel
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. Other videos can be found on the UNAIDS YouTube channel.