Feature Story

“Leadership”: theme for World AIDS Day 2007-2008

16 March 2007


"Leadership" has been chosen by the World AIDS Campaign as the theme for World AIDS Day 2007 and 2008. This theme will continue to be promoted with the slogan "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise."—the World AIDS Campaign (WAC) emphasis from 2005-2010.

On December 1 every year, the world comes together to commemorate World AIDS Day. The theme for World AIDS Day has been determined by the World AIDS Campaign since 1997.

“We know that significant advances in the response to HIV have been achieved when there is strong and committed leadership. Leaders are distinguished by their action, innovation and vision; their personal example and engagement of others; and their perseverance in the face of obstacles and challenges,” said the World AIDS Campaign. “Leadership must be demonstrated at every level to get ahead of the epidemic- in families, in communities, in countries and internationally.”

“Much of the best leadership on AIDS has been demonstrated within civil society organisations challenging the status quo. Making leadership the theme of the next two World AIDS Days will help encourage leadership on AIDS within all levels and sectors of society,” the Campaign added.

The 2007/8 theme of “Leadership” will build on the 2006 World AIDS Day focus on accountability, and was selected by the Global Steering Committee of the World AIDS Campaign during their meeting held in Geneva in February.

“We are still dying! Leadership requires that we face this reality. While scaling up of HIV care is now prioritized, it is under funded and poorly implemented,” said WAC Steering Committee Member and Chairperson, Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS Deloris Dockrey.


“Leadership can imply the power and authority to make a difference, to lead by action and example,” added fellow Steering Committee member and Coordinator for the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, Linda Hartke. “By taking on the global theme of leadership for World AIDS Day, faith leaders and the communities they are a part of can help articulate a vision, build relationships and take concrete action in solidarity with all people committed to reaching universal access for HIV prevention, treatment and care.”

The overall purpose of the World AIDS Campaign from 2005 to 2010 is to ensure that leaders and decision makers deliver on their promises on AIDS, including the provision of Universal Access to Treatment, Care, Support and Prevention services by 2010. Within that five-year mission, annual campaigning themes are selected which are timely, relevant and adaptable to a number of different regions and issues.

The issue of continued and increased leadership on AIDS and it’s importance to a long-term sustainable AIDS response was underlined by UNAIDS Executive Director Peter Piot at the European AIDS Conference held in Bremen, Germany on 12-13 March. “ Leadership makes or breaks the response against AIDS,” he said.

The Global Steering Committee of World AIDS Campaign is comprised of the Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, the International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS, the Youth Coalition, the Global Unions Programme on HIV/AIDS, the International Council of AIDS Service Organisations, the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, and the International Women’s AIDS Caucus. UNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria are non-voting members.


More information about the 2007/8 World AIDS Day theme

World AIDS Campaign Website