Statement on World AIDS Day 2007

Women join forces in Latin America
Invest in Women – It Pays

Mary Fisher, représentante spéciale de l’ONUSIDA, en visite en Zambie

Sexospécificité et sida au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord
UNAIDS announces appointment of new Director of the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS

Aimer, vivre et rêver : les femmes contre le sida en Arménie, au Moldova, au Kazakhstan, en Russie et en Ukraine
Women's leadership can change the course of AIDS: Unprecedented global women's summit opens in Nairobi

Changer la vie et les communautés : Sommet international des femmes, Kenya 2007

Est-ce efficace pour les femmes ?
UNAIDS praises First Lady of Ethiopia for her leadership role on

Tournée des femmes dans cinq pays de la Communauté des Etats indépendants – galerie de photos

Breaking the silence in Mozambique
UNFPA, UNAIDS welcome Purnima Mane as new UNFPA Deputy Executive Director

Journée internationale des femmes : La fin de l’impunité pour les violences à l’égard des femmes

Journée internationale de la femme : entretien avec Purnima Mane
UNIFEM, UNAIDS and Johnson & Johnson Announce Grants for Combined Strategies to End Violence against Women and Prevent HIV and AIDS
Cellulose sulfate microbicide trial stopped

Gender equality key to development, says UNICEF report
Calls for accountability and gender equality at World AIDS Day 2006 event in New York City

AIDS and Human Rights activist awarded
Flemish Government and UNAIDS launch women and AIDS project în Malawi
Global Coalition on Women and AIDS announces 2006 Empower Women: Fight AIDS U.S. Tour to promote solutions that work for women and girls in the fight against AIDS.
Global Coalition On Women And AIDS (GCWA) Leadership Council meets in Toronto
Global Coalition on Women and AIDS sets Agenda for Action at High Level Meeting on AIDS
World renowned artist, author and activist Mary Fisher accepts appointment as UNAIDS Special Representative
Sharing skills, support and hope
Economic security for women key to HIV prevention
African Union President calls for support for families bearing the burden of HIV epidemic in Africa
Key policies endorsed at 17th meeting of UNAIDS Governing Board
Flemish Government and UN launch women and AIDS programme in Mozambique
Women at forefront of global AIDS fight
Stop violence against women : halt the spread of AIDS
World AIDS Day, Geneva, 1 December 2004, op-ed by Graca Machel, President of the Foundation for Community Development, Mozambique, and Kathleen Cravero, Deputy Executive Director of UNAIDS
Number of women living with HIV increases in each region of the world : close to half of 37.2 million adults living with HIV are women, according to new UNAIDS/WHO report
UN Secretary General’s report calls for action on women, girls and AIDS
Action against AIDS must address epidemic’s increasing impact on women, says UN report
UNAIDS welcomes women health ministers' initiative to address gender inequality
Women health ministers join forces
UNAIDS statement to the 60th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Agenda Item 12: Integration of the human rights of women and the gender perspective
Women in Mekong region faced with higher rates of HIV infection than men : China, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam showing similar trends
Lao women at greater AIDS risk: UN
Women on the frontlines of the AIDS response : between one fifth and half of girls worldwide experience sexual violence, premiere of Women and AIDS film on International Women’s Day
HIV prevention and protection efforts are failing women and girls : more young women are becoming infected by husbands and long-term partners – female-controlled HIV prevention methods urgently needed
HIV efforts are failing women and girls by Dr Peter Piot and Emma Thompson