20th PCB Meeting, June 2007
20th PCB Meeting, June 2007
Annotated Agenda (en | fr )
Report of the Twentieth Meeting of the UNAIDS PCB (en )
UNAIDS Executive Director's speech (en | fr )
Final Decisions, Recommendations and Conclusions Rev.1 (en | fr )
2006 UNAIDS Annual Report (en | fr )
Report by the NGO representatives (en | fr )
2008-2009 Unified Budget and Workplan and Financial Report: 2008-2009 Unified Budget and Workplan (en | fr )
2008-2009 Unified Budget and Workplan and Financial Report: Interim financial management information for the 2006-2007 biennium and financial update as at 30 April 2007 (en | fr )
2008-2009 Unified Budget and Workplan and Financial Report: Proposal to PCB for new discretionary authority for the Executive Director with respect to the programming and disbursement of funds received over the approved level of the budget (en | fr )
UNAIDS and UN Reform (en | fr )
Results of the Review of NGO/Civil Society participation in the Programme Coordinating Board (en | fr )
UNAIDS role in strengthening global coordination on AIDS and development of the Programme Coordinating Board (en | fr )
Report on the progress on follow-up support to countries in their national target setting towards universal access (en | fr )
Presentation of policy guidance to address gender issues (en | fr )
Report of the Global Task Team Independent Assessment (en | fr )
UNAIDS Collaboration with the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (en | fr )
Results of the Geneva and field-based staff opinion survey and report on follow-up (en | fr )
Statement by the representative of the UNAIDS Secretariat Staff Association (en | fr )
Report of the 18th Meeting of the UNAIDS PCB (en | fr )
Report of the 19th Meeting of the UNAIDS PCB (en | fr )
Information for participants (en | fr )
Invitation (en | fr )
Registration form (en+fr )
Reference documents
Assessing Gender Equality and Equity as Critical Elements in National Responses to HIV:Cambodia, Honduras and Ukraine (en )
Review of Progress: Secretary-General’s Task Force on Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa, 2003-2007 (en )
Mid-term Progress Report 2006–2007 Unified Budget and Workplan (en )
An independent assessment of progress on the implementation of the Global Task Team recommendations and support of national AIDS responses (en )
Independent Review: NGO/Civil Society Participation in the Programme Coordinating Boardof UNAIDS (en )
2008-2009 UBW Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Framework: Status of Development (en )
List of Participants (en )
Quiénes somos
Junta Coordinadora del Programa
20th PCB Meeting, June 2007