
Report of the UNAIDS Technical Consultation on Social Change Communication

17 de diciembre de 2007

This document provides an overview of the discussions at the UNAIDS technical consultation on social change communication on 2–3 August 2007 at UNAIDS, Geneva. With 11,000 people being infected every day, HIV prevention is a global priority. UNAIDS Practical guidelines for intensifying HIV prevention urge countries to match prevention responses to their epidemics and stress the need to tackle the social drivers of the epidemic, such as gender inequality, HIV related stigma and discrimination and human rights abuses. The meeting explored the role of social change communication in achieving these ends through activities that are effective, measurable and can be taken to scale. A number of practical next steps and actions were identified and, building on the information generated at the meeting, guidance and technical support will be offered on social change communication for national AIDS programmes. A short paper on social change communication, describing the benefits and challenges of its application, will be developed. This will be followed by a high level briefing on social change communication and a technical update, which will explain what is meant by social change communication. It is hoped these documents will help UNAIDS country offices and national AIDS programme managers understand social change communication and enable them to promote it at the national level. They will be disseminated well before the 2008 UN General Assembly reporting.