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Statement on Kenyan and Ugandan trial findings regarding male circumcision and HIV

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and its Cosponsors, WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF and the World Bank, note with considerable interest today’s announcement by the US National Institutes of Health that two trials assessing the impact of male circumcision on HIV risk are being stopped on the recommendation of the...

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HRH Norway statement WAD

World AIDS Day statement from HRH

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Today at the United Nations MTV Networks International (MTVNI) President Bill Roedy is handing over the Chair of the Global Media AIDS Initiative (GMAI) Leadership Committee to Dali Mpofu, CEO of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC). Mr Roedy has been the Founding Chair of the GMAI’s Leadership Committee, and...

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Somalis Uniting in Response to HIV and AIDS

Significant progress is being made

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UNHCR Statement for World AIDS Day 2006

UNHCR Statement for World AIDS Day 2006

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Working Together for HIV and AIDS

Working Together for HIV and AIDS, by

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The leading teams and players from

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International HIV/AIDS Cartoon Exhibit

The United Nations will host an exhibit of 300 cartoons on the subject of HIV and AIDS, contributed by 50 graphic artists from around the world, starting from 1 December – World Aids Day -- until 9 January 2007.

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Message of Caritas Internationalis On Occasion of World AIDS Day 2006

In conjunction with the World AIDS Campaign and on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2006, Caritas Internationalis joins leaders of governments, civil society, and faith communities to remind the global human family of our obligation to “Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise”.

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In connection with World AIDS Day

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Epidemic Update December 2006 Press release

The global AIDS epidemic continues to

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UNAIDS congratulates Muhammad Yunus on Nobel Peace Prize

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) congratulates Bangladeshi economist, Muhammad Yunus on winning this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

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One of UNAIDS closest and most active

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Business, government and civil society asked to partner in innovative actions on HIV

– In many low and middle-income countries, growing levels of HIV are continuing to cause serious economic and development set backs. Companies are loosing a significant part of their workforce, particularly in high prevalence countries.

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Uniting for HIV Prevention – Quotes from Partners

Effective HIV prevention programmes

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Uniting for HIV Prevention

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is ‘uniting for HIV prevention’ with civil society, treatment activists, the private sector and governments to call for the global community to mobilize an alliance for HIV prevention.

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Statement: 2006 High Level Meeting on AIDS: Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS

A new and forward-looking Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS was adopted unanimously by UN Member States on 2 June at the close of the United Nations General Assembly 2006 High Level Meeting on AIDS in New York (31 May – 2 June). Following intense negotiations on the text among Member States...

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Global Coalition on Women and AIDS announces 2006 Empower Women: Fight AIDS U.S. Tour to promote solutions that work for women and girls in the fight against AIDS.

In an effort to inspire action, encourage meaningful dialogue, and increase public awareness about the unique challenges facing women and girls in a world with AIDS, the UNAIDS-led Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) has announced the kickoff of its 2006 four- city Empower Women: Fight AIDS U.S. Tour...

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Global Coalition On Women And AIDS (GCWA) Leadership Council meets in Toronto

Global Coalition On Women And AIDS Leadership Council meets in Toronto to address alarming global increase of HIV virus among women. “In New York last week the High Level Meeting on AIDS produced a Declaration that acknowledged the urgent need to scale up towards the goal of universal access to...

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World leaders put forward a strengthened Political Declaration at UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS

New call for ambitious national targets, human rights protections and women’s equality, as well as commitment to universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, are highlighted

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UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot praises Prime Minister Bertie Ahern and the Irish people for their leadership in the AIDS response

At the UN General Assembly 2006 High Level Meeting on AIDS, UNAIDS Executive Director recognizes Ireland’s increasing contribution to global AIDS efforts

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The world loses Dr LEE Jong-Wook, one of the greatest forces for good health, says UNAIDS Executive Director

Statement by Dr Peter Piot, UNAIDS Executive Director Geneva, 22 May 2006 – “With the passing away of Dr LEE Jong-wook, the world has lost one of its greatest forces for good health – a scientist, policymaker and leader of exceptional caliber and accomplishments.

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World renowned artist, author and activist Mary Fisher accepts appointment as UNAIDS Special Representative

Mary Davis Fisher, the artist, author and speaker who travels the world advocating for those who share her HIV-positive status, has accepted the appointment as Special Representative for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). As UNAIDS Special Representative, Ms. Fisher will continue to raise awareness on HIV prevention...

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Global Fund and UNAIDS Call for Rapid Scaleup of Efforts to Combat AIDS

With 270,000 people newly infected with HIV in 2005 alone, the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region faces the world’s most rapidly expanding AIDS epidemic. An estimated 1.6 million people are living with the disease across the region, and in several countries the epidemic shows signs of crossing from...

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Africa leaders announce new resolve to combat AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

A special summit of the African Union ended in Abuja with the adoption of far-reaching decisions to stem the tide of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria – three diseases which kill an estimated four million Africans every year.

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World renowned musician and humanitarian Mstislav Rostropovich accepts appointment as UNAIDS Special Representative

Maestro Mstislav Rostropovich, the outstanding musician, strong defender of human rights and advocate for children’s health, has accepted the appointment as a Special Representative for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS.

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Africa launches bold, renewed effort to step up pace of HIV prevention

As the world grapples with ways to mitigate the daunting impact of AIDS on Africa’s development, a call emerged loud and clear from African political leaders in major African cities today for 2006 to be a “Year for Accelerating HIV Prevention in the African Region”. Innovative approaches, creative thinking and...

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H.R.H. Crown Princess of Norway accepts appointment as UNAIDS Special Representative

HRH Crown Princess of Norway has accepted her appointment as UNAIDS Special Representative. The Crown Princess is committed to actively supporting the AIDS response. As Special

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Africa adopts Brazzaville Commitment on scaling up towards universal access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support.

2006—The continental consultation on scaling up towards universal Access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support in Africa ended Wednesday in Brazzaville with the adoption of the “Brazzaville Commitment.”

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UN Executive Directors and HRH Princess Mathilde of Belgium encourage more action to address impact of AIDS on children and young people in Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, 17 February 2006 – The Executive Directors of the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and Her Royal Highness (HRH) Princess Mathilde of Belgium in her capacity as the UNAIDS and UNICEF Special Representative for Children and AIDS, today encouraged...

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Joint Mission praises Rwanda’s AIDS response and urges continued leadership and coordination

Kigali, Rwanda, 14 February 2006 – Leaders from Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, UNICEF and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS today heralded the progress Rwanda is making in the AIDS response and pressed for continued leadership and improved coordination to ensure further success.

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New data show growing AIDS epidemic in China

Beijing, 25 January 2006 – China’s AIDS epidemic shows no signs of abating with an estimated 70,000 new HIV infections occurring in 2005, according to a report released today by the Chinese Ministry of Health, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization.

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A tribute to Peter Busse

It is with great sadness that UNAIDS learnt of the death on 6 January 2006 of our longtime colleague Peter Busse.

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Global Steering Committee on scaling up towards universal access holds its first meeting in Washington, DC.

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