Waking the Lion: Development opportunities in an emerging Africa
28 de marzo de 2011
African countries have learned that investing in AIDS is not only the right thing to do, it is the smart thing. It is like putting money in the bank. Averting disability and deaths from AIDS results in higher productivity in factories, farms and office buildings; fewer orphans needing support; and lower costs of medical care for AIDS-related illness.
UNAIDS applauds Namibian High Court's decision to declare unconstitutional the law that had criminalised same-sex relationships

21 de junio de 2024
The United Nations welcomes the Supreme Court’s decision to decriminalize same sex relations in Mauritius

04 de octubre de 2023
Joint Statement by the Leaders of the Global Fund, UNAIDS and PEPFAR on Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023

29 de mayo de 2023
Uganda’s new Anti-Homosexuality Bill would harm public health

03 de mayo de 2023
UNAIDS urges the Government of Uganda to not enact harmful law that threatens public health

22 de marzo de 2023
African leaders unite in pledge to end AIDS in children

01 de febrero de 2023
UNAIDS welcomes Kenya’s High Court judgement in landmark case of involuntary sterilization of women living with HIV

20 de diciembre de 2022