Provisional agenda item 10: measures to minimize administrative costs (en | fr) Executive summary of report that studied a hypothetical relocation of UNAIDS in different geographical locations. In conclusion, the Secretariat recommends staying in Geneva and continue to explore ways of reducing infrastructure costs.
Provisional agenda item 6: report of the PCB working group on indicators and evaluation (en | fr) Executive summary of the working group report
Provisional agenda item 5: update on UNAIDS at country level This executive summary notes rapid growth in the number of Theme Groups at country level, and the continuing appointment of new Country Programme Advisers. Fund mobilisation remains a major issue for national AIDS programmes and NGO activities.
Provisional agenda item 9: financial and budget update (en | fr) Executive summary of the 1995 budget and elements of the 1996-97 exercise, which includes an increase in the budget for communications and the creation of a new budget line for evaluation.
Decisions, recommendations and conclusions (en | fr) Presents the decisions of the third PCB meeting, including the request for further prioritization of the UNAIDS workplan and criteria for prioritization for financial support for countries. The PCB endorsed the recommendations contained in the report of the working group on indicators and evaluation, and strongly encouraged the continuation of the efforts of the working group on resource mobilization.