UNAIDS Executive Director’s Statement at the 19th Session of the Human Rights Council thematic panel discussion on HIV: Giving Voice to People Living with and Affected by HIV
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Discours de M. Michel Sidibé, Directeur exécutif de l’ONUSIDA lors de la 6ème Conférence francophone sur le VIH/Sida
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"Getting to zero is a journey to social justice": UNAIDS Executive Director’s speech to New Zealand MFAT Town Hall
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"AIDS Dependency Crisis: Sourcing African Solutions": UNAIDS Executive Director’s speech to NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee
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Objectif Zéro : Façonnons notre destin : Michel Sidibé, 29ème réunion du Conseil de Coordination du Programme
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Speech by Jan Beagle, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Management and External Relations, at the Opening of the ICASA Community Village, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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UNAIDS Executive Director’s speech: Taking stock: AIDS, TRIPS and global health after Doha.
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American-African partnerships are rewriting the future of HIV: African Renaissance conference, New York
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Building HIV-NCD connections for healthy women and girls: First Ladies’ side event at the UN High Level meeting on Non-communicable disease
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Speech by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, on the occasion of the Bush Institute Summit to Save Lives, Washington, D.C., 13 September 2011
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Executive Director’s Speech at the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific
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Un tournant qui change la donne - le discours du Directeur Exécutif de l'ONUSIDA à la 28e réunion du Conseil de coordination du Programme de l'ONUSIDA
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UNAIDS Executive Director's Speech at the United Nations Security Council: Impact of the AIDS Epidemic on International Peace and Security
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Address by Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director to the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers and Good Samaritan Foundation in Rome, 28 May 2011
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UNAIDS Executive Director's Speech on the occasion of Consultation on Church Responses to Sexual Violence, Lambeth Palace Westminster, United Kingdom
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Ninth General Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Tenth annual general meeting of the Pan Caribbean Partnership against HIV and AIDS (PANCAP)
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Launch of the Agenda for Accelerating Country Action on Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV
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HIV in cities of the 21st century: How the urban response to HIV can keep cities healthy
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Speech by UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director for Management and External Relations on occasion of the Parliamentary Breakfast on the G8/G20 and AIDS
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Address by UNAIDS Executive Director to Yaounde International conference on Africa Plenary IV Concerted responses to security issues
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Golden moment: Speech by UNAIDS Executive Director at the National Launch HIV Counselling and Testing Campaign in South Africa
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UNAIDS Executive Director's speech at the opening session of the 122nd Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly
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Michel Sidibé Speech to Religious Leadership in Response to HIV: A Summit of High Level Religious Leaders
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Speech by UNAIDS Executive Director: Pragmatism vs. Punishment: The Case for Harm Reduction
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