Press Release

World AIDS Day - Message of Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, Executive Director, UNFPA

Today, on World AIDS Day, we are called upon to be leaders in the fight against AIDS. Where there is strong and committed leadership, the response is more effective.

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UNAIDS commends Parliamentarians for bold leadership in their response to HIV

On the eve of World AIDS Day recognizing the theme of leadership, Parliamentarians from around the world have adopted bold recommendations to guide their response to HIV at the national level.

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Red Ribbon Award calls for nominations to honour community leadership and action on AIDS

On the occasion of World AIDS Day the global call for nominations for the Red Ribbon Award 2008 will be announced in Mexico City. The biennial award, which will be presented at next summer’s International AIDS Conference in Mexico, will honour 25 community-based organisations for their contributions in responding to the AIDS epidemic.

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Message on World AIDS Day

Today, on the 20th World AIDS Day, we are again beseeching leadership to ‘Stop AIDS and keep the promise.’ We asked them to do so last year, and we are asking them to do so again. Although much has been done since the last World AIDS Day, AIDS clearly has not stopped. Stopping AIDS is the ultimate measure of progress in the AIDS response, but we must remember that it is not the only one.

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UNAIDS Executive Director Peter Piot praises religious groups’ action on AIDS at Saddleback Church Global AIDS Summit

Speaking at the Saddleback Church Global AIDS Summit, UNAIDS Executive Director Dr. Peter Piot paid tribute to the contribution religious leaders have made to the global AIDS response, and the key role religious groups have played in providing HIV treatment, care and support in some of the remotest parts of the world.

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Press Release

Statement on World AIDS Day 2007

Today is a fitting time to acknowledge and celebrate the leadership of thousands of women and girls all over the world who, on a daily basis, take on the challenges of the AIDS epidemic with courage and conviction.

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Statement by Kemal Derviş, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme On the occasion of World AIDS Day 1 December 2007

The World AIDS Campaign has selected “leadership” as the 2007 World AIDS Day theme highlighting the need for innovative and visionary leadership in response to the epidemic. It calls on all of us to renew our commitment at the individual, family, community, national and international level to support empowering leadership on AIDS.

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The theme of this World AIDS Day is leadership. Without it, we will never get ahead of the epidemic.

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Press Release

Message on the occasion of World AIDS Day

Today, millions of people around the globe are marking the 20th World AIDS Day. For some, this may be the only day in the year they think about AIDS. For many, however, AIDS is part of daily life.

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Press Release

Hunger, health and HIV: A critical connection

As communities gather to mark World AIDS Day, and governments take stock of the progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is urging that more attention be paid to the fundamental connection between hunger and health, which lies at the heart of the pandemic.

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