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ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007 to Shine Spotlight on Children and Young People Affected by HIV

The International Cricket Council

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NGOs win $460,000 for innovative AIDS projects in developing countries : UNAIDS, World Bank fund initiative

Washington, 9 December 2003—A global competition to find innovative new ways to fight the global HIV/AIDS epidemic has awarded $460,000 to teams of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) from Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya and Romania at a ceremony last week at the Washington headquarters of the World Bank.

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Mozambique makes advances in fight against AIDS, but significant challenges remain

Leaders from Norway, UK, Sweden, UNAIDS and the World Bank today praised Mozambique’s efforts to fight AIDS, but called for greater donor coordination and continued leadership from the government to strengthen the national AIDS response.

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Kenya makes great advances in responding to the AIDS epidemic, but challenges remain

Leaders from DFID, Norway, UNAIDS and the World Bank today praised Kenya’s response to AIDS, but highlighted that more needed to be done to ensure that it meets the needs of those vulnerable to, living with and affected by HIV and AIDS.

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Joint WHO/ UNAIDS/ UNICEF statement on use of Cotrimoxazole as prophylaxis in HIV exposed and HIV infected children

WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF, guided by recent evidence, have agreed to modify as an interim the current recommendations (1) for cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in children. This is based upon recent trial data from Zambia (2).

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Joint AIDS delegation urges Indonesia to accelerate action on AIDS

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UNIFEM, UNAIDS and Johnson & Johnson Announce Grants for Combined Strategies to End Violence against Women and Prevent HIV and AIDS

UNIFEM, UNAIDS and Johnson & Johnson

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WHO and UNAIDS Secretariat welcome corroborating findings of trials assessing impact of male circumcision on HIV risk

Press Release 23 February 2007.

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UNAIDS welcomes new partnership to accelerate global HIV vaccine research and development efforts

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) welcomes a new collaborative initiative between the Government of Canada and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to accelerate HIV vaccine research and development. The partnership entitled the ‘Canadian HIV Vaccine Initiative’ (CHVI) will contribute to the global effort to develop safe, effective, affordable and globally accessible HIV vaccines.

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UNAIDS commends Merck ATRIPLA decision

UNAIDS commends Merck’s decision to register ATRIPLA in developing countries. The registration of ATRIPLA, a once-daily single tablet regimen for treatment of HIV infection in adults, exemplifies the joint efforts of two research and development leaders, Merck Co. and Gilead Sciences to make essential medicines available to those in need.

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