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The condom shortage in Uganda: Statement by the Chair of the United Nations Theme Group on HIV/AIDS

The UN system in Uganda supports the Uganda government policy on prevention of HIV/AIDS including the use of the triple strategy of Abstinence; Faithfulness; and correct and consistent Condom usage (the so-called ABC strategy). The UN system position is that condoms are one of the effective prevention tools in reducing HIV infection rates in Uganda. The UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in Uganda has worked closely with other development partners in the last few months to ensure that Uganda’s long standing policy of condom promotion is supported.

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Longer term vision critical to real success in global AIDS response

Real success in the global response to the epidemic can only be achieved if a long-term horizon is integrated fully into AIDS planning and actions, said the Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) today.

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UNAIDS statement on South African trial findings regarding male circumcision and HIV

Statement developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the UNAIDS Secretariat Rio de Janeiro, 26 July 2005 – The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS notes with considerable interest the results of a trial examining the potential link between male circumcision and a lower risk of HIV acquisition that were presented today at the 3rd International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, being held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The trial was carried out in Gauteng province in South Africa among men aged 18-24 years and was funded by the French Agence Nationale de Recherches sur le SIDA (ANRS).

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UNAIDS briefs Security Council on progress of historic AIDS and security resolution

UNAIDS Executive Director says progress made in educating peacekeepers on HIV and AIDS; calls for expanded HIV testing services and intensified effort in addressing AIDS and security in long term

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Violence against protesters threatens AIDS response

Geneva, 14 July 2005 – The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) finds unacceptable, the actions of the police during a protest of people living with HIV at a South African hospital in Queenstown, Eastern Cape province.

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African Union President calls for support for families bearing the burden of HIV epidemic in Africa

Alleviating poverty and lifting the debt burden in Africa is currently holding the focus of world leaders. But it is HIV and AIDS and the severe burden it puts on families that is the leading development concern facing the continent.

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Key policies endorsed at 17th meeting of UNAIDS Governing Board

Highlights include new policies on HIV prevention, new efforts for greater coordination among international organizations, and recognition as leader in UN reform through its work and budget planning

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HIV prevention efforts soar amid tsunami relief

Kobe, 4 July 2005 – Six months after the Asian tsunami, opportunities for HIV prevention in hard-hit areas are better than ever.

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Asian AIDS response at risk unless coordination improves, warns major AIDS conference

Kobe, Japan, 3 July 2005 – The response to AIDS in Asia will be in jeopardy unless everyone works more closely together to reverse the epidemic, according to a symposium held at Asia’s leading AIDS conference today attended by representatives from donor governments, civil society, and the United Nations.

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Commercial sex and drug use biggest drivers of HIV in Asia, says new AIDS report

As commercial sex and unsafe injecting drug use are the biggest drivers of HIV in most Asian countries, supportive government policies that address these behaviours are urgently needed to slow the spread of AIDS, according to a series of three reports released today by the Monitoring AIDS Pandemic (MAP) Network

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