
Press Release
United Nations condemns irresponsible attack
30 mars 2005 30 mars 2005
Geneva, 30 March 2005 -- A recent advertising campaign is touting the benefits of vitamin therapy above antiretroviral therapy and claiming that antiretroviral therapy is toxic. These advertisements are wrong and misleading, said the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) today.
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Press Release
Mozambique makes advances in fight against AIDS, but significant challenges remain
23 mars 2005 23 mars 2005
Leaders from Norway, UK, Sweden, UNAIDS and the World Bank today praised Mozambique’s efforts to fight AIDS, but called for greater donor coordination and continued leadership from the government to strengthen the national AIDS response.
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Press Release
UNAIDS, UK, France and the us call for coordinated global action to reverse AIDS
09 mars 2005 09 mars 2005
Today UNAIDS and the governments of the United Kingdom, France the United States will co-host a meeting in London to ensure countries can reverse the spread and impact of AIDS. Entitled ’Making the Money Work’ the meeting will also focus on greater coordination among partners and ensuring money is available and reaches those in the most need quickly and efficiently.
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Press Release
Women at forefront of global AIDS fight
08 mars 2005 08 mars 2005
On International Women’s Day, we celebrate women – their strength, their capacity for caring and compassion and the range of achievements they have made in their public, professional, and private lives. It is also a day on which we reflect on some of the difficulties women face in their daily lives – even on Women’s Day.
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Press Release
New report presents three scenarios for AIDS in Africa by 2025: scenarios look at how AIDS could shape Africa’s future
04 mars 2005 04 mars 2005
By 2025, Africa and the world could face three very different scenarios for AIDS. And depending on the actions taken today, up to 43 million HIV infections could be averted over the next 20 years.
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Press Release
Leadership initiative calls for urgent action on AIDS
22 février 2005 22 février 2005
The Steering Committee of the Asia Pacific Leadership Forum on HIV/AIDS and Development (APLF) met last week to discuss ways in which both political and civil society leadership can be supported and strengthened in the region to reduce the spread of AIDS.
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Press Release
UNAIDS, UNICEF and EGPAF underscore importance of keeping single-dose nevirapine available to HIV-positive mothers
16 février 2005 16 février 2005
UNAIDS, UNICEF and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) today expressed strong concern about the South African Medicine Control Council’s decision to discontinue use of single-dose nevirapine for prevention of mother to child transmission.
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Press Release
HIV vaccine global partners strengthen collaboration to speed up progress
07 février 2005 07 février 2005
As new developments in the search for an HIV vaccine take place, vaccine researchers from around the world are joining forces to accelerate progress towards an effective and safe HIV vaccine, with the full and equal involvement of countries most affected by the AIDS epidemic.
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Press Release
Notes for press briefing by Stephen Lewis, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, on his recent trips to Malawi and Tanzania, United Nations, New York: 12:30 PM, Tuesday, January 18, 2005
02 février 2005 02 février 2005
Since this is my first press briefing of 2005, I feel compelled to begin with brief reference to the Tsunami, the Millennium Development Goals, the debt of African countries and “3 by 5”, the WHO/UNAIDS initiative to put three million people with full-blown AIDS into treatment by the end of 2005. Collectively, they form a backdrop for what I wish to say about the country visits to Malawi and Tanzania.
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Press Release
HIV interventions must be part of Tsunami relief efforts, says UNAIDS
28 janvier 2005 28 janvier 2005
As the tsunami relief efforts in devastated areas across the Indian Ocean shift towards long-term strategies, it is essential to sustain HIV prevention and care efforts, said Mr Prasada Rao, Director of the Regional Support Team of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in Asia today.
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