
Press Release
Number of women living with HIV increases in each region of the world : close to half of 37.2 million adults living with HIV are women, according to new UNAIDS/WHO report
19 novembre 2004 19 novembre 2004
A new report released today shows that the number of women living with HIV has risen in each region of the world over the past two years, with the steepest increases in East Asia, followed by Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In East Asia, there was a 56% increase over the past two years, followed by Eastern Europe and Central Asia with 48%.
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Press Release
Youth leaders join forces to fight AIDS in India
05 novembre 2004 05 novembre 2004
A two-day ‘National Student and Youth Parliament Special Session on HIV/AIDS’ will bring together 3,000 student and youth leaders from 500 districts across the country to deliberate and present to the Government their recommendations on the draft law on HIV/AIDS. Representatives of student unions, universities, bodies such as the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), National Service Scheme (NSS), and rural youth will participate in the event.
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Press Release
Media leaders commit to fight AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
27 octobre 2004 27 octobre 2004
Media executives from Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) have committed to fight HIV/AIDS in their countries, many of which are experiencing some of the fastest-growing epidemics in the world. Meeting today at the first-ever Eurasia Media Leaders Summit on HIV/AIDS in Moscow, media leaders committed to using the power of mass media to help turn the tide of AIDS. Today’s Summit was organized by Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS (TPAA), Gazprom-Media and the Global Media AIDS Initiative – a joint effort of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and the United Nations’ Department of Public Information.
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Press Release
UNAIDS praises Viet Nam for adopting National AIDS Strategy
18 octobre 2004 18 octobre 2004
Dr Kathleen Cravero, Deputy Executive Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), congratulated the Vietnamese government for adopting an evidence-based and progressive National Strategy on the Prevention of HIV/AIDS. “This is an excellent national strategy and stands as a model for other countries in the region and the world”, she told Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Pham Gia Khiem during their meeting today.
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Press Release
UNAIDS expresses sadness at death of human rights activist
13 octobre 2004 13 octobre 2004
UNAIDS acknowledges with tremendous sense of loss the tragic news of the sudden death of Paulo Longo, Coordinator of the Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) in Brazil and human rights activist.
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Press Release
New analysis calls for increased integration of reproductive health and HIV prevention services
11 octobre 2004 11 octobre 2004
Providers of reproductive health services are in a strategic position to make significant contributions to closing the global HIV prevention gap, according to a new analysis published jointly by The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) and the Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) with the collaboration of UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
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Press Release
UNAIDS condemns killing of gay rights activist
05 octobre 2004 05 octobre 2004
UNAIDS is deeply shocked at the recent killing of FannyAnn Eddy, a leading pan-African gay rights activist and founder of the Sierra Leone Lesbian and Gay Association (SLLAGA).
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Press Release
Government of India and Clinton Foundation sign agreement to scale up HIV care and treatment
01 octobre 2004 01 octobre 2004
The Government of India and the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative have agreed to collaborate on the development and implementation of the Government’s plans to scale-up integrated HIV care, treatment, and prevention programmes. Dr S Y Quraishi, Project Director of India’s National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), and Ira C. Magaziner, Chairman of the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative, signed a Memorandum of Understanding today in New Delhi.
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Press Release
Combining TB treatment with HIV testing and treatment could save lives of up to 500 000 HIV-positive Africans every year
21 septembre 2004 21 septembre 2004
Joint TB and HIV interventions are among the best ways to accelerate access to ARVs and to help reach the
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Press Release
AIDS epidemic poses serious threat to stability in Europe: : UNAIDS and WHO call on governments to turn policy into action
16 septembre 2004 16 septembre 2004
With more than 1.8 million people living with HIV in Europe and Central Asia, the epidemic poses a serious threat to the region’s social and economic stability, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO). UNAIDS and WHO therefore urge European governments to turn strategy into integrated HIV prevention and treatment programmes to save the lives of thousands of people.
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