5th Meeting of the Coalition of First Ladies and Women Leaders of Latin America on Women and AIDS
The 5th Meeting of the Coalition of First Ladies and Women Leaders of Latin America on Women and AIDS was opened on 2 August 2008 by Mrs. Margarita Zavala, wife of the President of Mexico, First Lady of Mexico
The meeting brought together more than 150 women leaders and activists from across Latin America.
Executive Director of UNAIDS Dr Peter Piot delivered a speech on the international response to the impact of the HIV epidemic on women and the Coalition made a personal tribute to him in recognition of his committed work on women and AIDS.
Brazil hosts the announcement of the Global Council on Inequality, AIDS and Pandemics

06 июня 2023 года.
In Northeast Brazil, civil society and local government collaborate to increase HIV treatment adherence

03 апреля 2023 года.
The First Fallen but We Will Overcome

03 ноября 2022 года.
UNAIDS welcomes Chile’s public apology in landmark case of involuntary sterilization of women living with HIV

27 мая 2022 года.
Encouraging income generation and social entrepreneurship by people living with HIV in Brazil

29 мартаа 2022 года.
UNAIDS calls for the release of five humanitarian workers detained in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

29 января 2021 года.
“My biggest concern is to get my antiretroviral medicines”: HIV and COVID-19 in Latin America

28 мая 2020 года.
Promoting gender equality in Brazil step by step

30 октября 2019 года.
Putting HIV prevention back at the centre of Brazil’s LGBTI pride

17 октября 2019 года.
Two decades of engagement in the response to HIV in Brazil
14 октября 2019 года.