UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé announces universal access as top priority on first country visit to South Africa
10 февраля 2009 года.
On 10 February the Executive Director of UNAIDS Mr Michel Sidibé gave his first major global statement at a public meeting in Khayelitsha, a township on the outskirts of Cape Town in South Africa which has a population of approximately one million people.
40 Years of the AIDS response
30 ноября 2021 года.
40 years of the AIDS response
08 июня 2021 года.
Civil society engagement in universal health coverage

26 июня 2019 года.
“Be the change”: creating a voice for male sex workers in Malawi

27 мая 2019 года.
UNAIDS congratulates Michel Sidibé on his appointment as Minister of Health and Social Affairs of Mali

08 мая 2019 года.
HIV and universal health coverage — A guide for civil society
30 апреля 2019 года.
Keeping up the momentum in the global AIDS response

24 апреля 2019 года.
Côte d’Ivoire signals renewed will to tackle issue of user fees for HIV services

16 апреля 2019 года.
Malawi launches its health situation room

12 апреля 2019 года.