Feature Story

HIV: ‘Risks and Responsibilities’

25 сентября 2006

Despite evidence establishing male-to-male sex as one of the driving forces of HIV transmission in Asia and the Pacific, only a few HIV interventions are strategically focusing on prevention, treatment, care and support for men who have sex with men in the region.

The need to build and strengthen programmes for men who have sex with men was addressed at the Male Sexual Health and HIV in Asia and the Pacific International Consultation, held in New Delhi from September 23 to 26, 2006.

The theme of the Consultation ‘’Risks & Responsibilities’’, signifies the increased risks that men who have sex with men face through sexual practices and cultural vulnerabilities, and the risks of not addressing these with adequate, appropriate and sufficiently funded HIV prevention, treatment care and support interventions. This also flags the responsibilities of men for protecting themselves and their partners, and the responsibilities of governments, donors and other stakeholders in ensuring resources and environments that enable good-quality HIV programmes and services for prevention, treatment, care and support.


The International Consultation brought together governments, policy-makers, donors, researchers, grassroots and community based organisations across Asia and the Pacific to provide a space for dialogue and learning, to enable expansion, strengthening and scaling up of strategies addressing male sexual health and related HIV vulnerabilities. In addition, the consultation will provide an opportunity to inform and develop strategic advocacy initiatives and deliberate on key policies related to these issues.

 Visit the "Masculinity in India" website by Jason Taylor (flash, 491Kb)


23 September 2006
Inaugural Statement to Male Sexual Health in Asia and the Pacific International Consultation: “Risks and Responsibilities” by Dr. Nafis Sadik Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General and Special Envoy for HIV and AIDS in Asia and the Pacific

23 September 2006 
Statement by Most Reverend Desmond Tutu, Anglican Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town  

23 September 2006
Speech by Purnima Mane, Director, Policy, Evidence and Partnerships UNAIDS  

23 September 2006 
Opening speech by JVR Prasada Rao, Director, Regional Support Team UNAIDS  

Related links:

Risks and Responsibilities , Male Sexual Health and HIV in Asia and the Pacific International Consultation