The courage to shape a new era of inclusion
28 июня 2013 года.
This Commission was formed at a historic moment. A moment when people—especially young people—are demanding equity. They are demanding social justice. They are demanding human rights. And they are demanding accountability. This is a great moment, because it motivates us to reflect, and to not to be scared. It is the moment for us to shape the future of development. I am sure, under your leadership, President Banda, you will help us to be courageous and not to fear the future but to mold it.
UNAIDS congratulates Michel Sidibé on his appointment as Minister of Health and Social Affairs of Mali

08 мая 2019 года.
Keeping up the momentum in the global AIDS response

24 апреля 2019 года.
Malawi launches its health situation room

12 апреля 2019 года.
Learning lessons on evaluation

02 апреля 2019 года.
UNAIDS presents a new plan to create a healthy, equitable and enabling environment for UNAIDS staff

01 апреля 2019 года.
UN and AU working together for sustainable development

27 мартаа 2019 года.
International Women’s Day in Ethiopia

12 мартаа 2019 года.
On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for greater action to protect young women and adolescent girls

08 мартаа 2019 года.
UNAIDS urges action to change discriminatory laws in order to restore dignity and respect and save lives

01 мартаа 2019 года.
Healthy populations for healthy economies in Africa

15 февраля 2019 года.