Suki Beavers, Director, Equality and Rights for All
Suki Beavers is Director, Equality and Rights for All. Ms Beavers brings to UNAIDS a wealth of experience in women’s rights and empowerment, sexual and gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and human rights, including in the context of HIV. She has worked with and for communities and a range of women’s rights and social justice organizations. Prior to joining UNAIDS, she served as the Executive Director of the National Association of Women and the Law in Ottawa, Canada, where she spearheaded efforts to develop high-quality legal analysis and law reform strategies to advance women’s rights and empowerment. In her previous roles with the United Nations Development Programme, Ms Beavers led many global and regional initiatives to advance human rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment, including in the context of HIV, and the rights and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people.
During her career, Ms Beavers has lived and worked in Fiji, Papua New Guinea, the United States of America and her home country, Canada, and has supported many governments and civil society in a range of development contexts. She holds a master of laws degree in common law with an international human rights specialization.