
UNAIDS follows the World Health Organization (WHO) administrative framework, including the WHO Staff Regulations and Staff Rules, as adapted for UNAIDS.  The Ethics Office at UNAIDS promotes ethical principles and standards throughout the Organization, and assists in ensuring that all staff members observe and perform their functions in consistency with the highest standards of conduct. 

To this end, the Ethics Office promotes the ethical principles derived from the Standards of Conduct of the International Civil Service for all UNAIDS staff and associated personnel.  The Ethics Office provides confidential advice, and also seeks to assist staff members to manage their personal affairs in a manner which does not interfere with their official duties.  The Ethics Office provides the following specific services:

  • Provision of confidential and pragmatic ethics advice;
  • Promotion of ethics awareness, standards, and education;
  • Administration of the declaration of interest program;
  • Protection of staff members from retaliation under the Policy on Preventing and Addressing Retaliation;
  • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse;
  • Supporting staff members in reporting misconduct and reviewing reports of misconduct received through the Integrity Hotline; and
  • Consulting on and developing standards, policies, and principles to ensure consistent and fair application of the rules.
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Integrity hotline

The Integrity Hotline provides a safe and independent mechanism for anyone, either internal or external to UNAIDS, to report any concerns about issues involving UNAIDS.  It is managed by a professional external company. The Integrity Hotline is contractually bound not to share an individual’s personal details with UNAIDS without permission from that individual and accepts anonymous reports.  Anyone can contact the Integrity Hotline by accessing the links below:

By phone (free)

Through an online form

Scan the QR Code below from your mobile device:

Reports can be made confidentially or anonymously to the Integrity Hotline.  Reports can also be raised confidentially directly to ethicsoffice@unaids.org


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Policies, procedures & standards