Jaime Atienza Azcona, Director, Equitable Financing, UNAIDS
Jaime Atienza Azcona (Madrid, 1972) joined UNAIDS in 2021, and is the Director of the Equitable financing Practice department at UNAIDS since February 2022. He is a PhD candidate with Madrid Complutense University, specialized on debt, development financing and public health and education in Sub Saharan Africa.
Before joining the UN, he worked for over 20 years for several public institutions, private foundations, as a consultant and with global CSO networks. In his 13 years with Oxfam, he led overall campaigns and policy at an affiliate level, co-managed the Global Campaigns and championed the Inequality campaign portfolio, managed the global aid and development finance team and strategy, and was a Campaigns and Policy Director.
He has been a Master teacher in International Cooperation in several Universities in Spain (Comillas, Complutense, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad del País Vasco, Universidad de Granada).
He is a recognized international expert in financing for universal healthcare and education – particularly on taxation, ODA, debt, and other financial instruments.
He has published books and articles on debt, development cooperation, international migration and financing for development matters.