Pre-conference focuses on HIV and human rights concerns of gay and other men who have sex with men and transgender people

Global Commission on Law urges countries to make the law work for HIV, not against it

Football World Cup for lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual people gives AIDS the Red Card

HIV programmes for MSM and transgendered people gradually being scaled up in India

“Making Rights a Reality”: The experiences of organizations of transgender people in the AIDS response

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

Thailand and neighbouring countries get together to help provide HIV treatment for thousands of migrants in need

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights creates a specialized unit to address human rights of lesbians, gays, bisexual, trans and intersex people

UNAIDS and UNDP commend New Zealand’s leadership in the HIV response

UNDP and UNAIDS Leaders Begin High Level Joint Mission in New Zealand

UN Secretary-General speaks against discrimination based on sexual orientation

Japan hosts follow-up meeting to discuss outcomes of MDGs Summit 2010

New monitoring centre helps tackle HIV in prisons in Latin America and the Caribbean
Joint statement of UN agencies on criminal charges brought against HIV activists and health and social workers in eastern Europe and central Asia
UNDP Announces 2010 Red Ribbon Award Winners

UN Report: Echoing ’97 Asian turmoil, current financial crisis leaves migrants more vulnerable to HIV

Local communities lead the way at AIDS 2008
UN trains Olympic volunteers on AIDS awareness

Uniting against female genital mutilation
Statement by Kemal Derviş, Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme On the occasion of World AIDS Day 1 December 2007
Red Ribbon Award to present $200,000 to grassroots activists on World AIDS Day

Buddhist Monks raise AIDS awareness in Laos
New global community AIDS award launched