Middle East and North Africa


Female leaders call for ending the AIDS epidemic

11 November 2014

Female leaders from the Middle East and North Africa, meeting in Algiers, Algeria, on 10 and 11 November, called for advancing gender equality, the HIV response and universal access to HIV treatment and prevention in the region.

Organized by UNAIDS in collaboration with the Government of Algeria, the League of Arab States and UN Women, the high-level meeting was a first in a series aiming for all sectors of society to take action towards the implementation of the Arab AIDS Strategy. The strategy addresses HIV as a public health and social issue and builds a foundation for halting and eventually ending the AIDS epidemic in the Middle East and North Africa by 2030.

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé joined the leaders in their deliberations and emphasized that the implementation of the Arab AIDS Strategy could pave the way for the region to end the AIDS epidemic. To do so, countries should ensure their societies are more inclusive, reach people who are being left behind in the AIDS response, mobilize civil society and seize the momentum initiated by female leaders to bring about change.

Algeria has shown a strong political commitment to gender equality, with women holding 21% of ministerial positions and 31% of seats in parliament. The country’s HIV response is also an example to follow in the region. Algeria’s policy is to provide universal access to HIV prevention and treatment services, including free antiretroviral medicines to those in need, with up to 97% of funding coming from domestic sources. Algeria has also succeeded in building a strong partnership with its dynamic civil society.

Speaking to Mr Sidibé during his visit, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ramtane Lamamra commended UNAIDS for its efforts in reinforcing global partnership. Abdelmalek Boudiaf, the Minister of Health, reaffirmed his commitment towards the creation of the Research Centre of Excellence on Health and AIDS in Algeria.

Mr Sidibé also participated in an event to belatedly mark United Nations Day, held each year on 24 October. The event demonstrated the strength and unity of the United Nations system in Algeria, which is working together to advance the AIDS response in the country.


“I have come here to ask you to join me in the movement to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and to join me in placing women’s leadership, gender equality, respect and dignity at the centre of this movement.”

Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director

“The three principles of the Algerian constitution are accessibility, free access to services and universality without distinction or discrimination.”

Abdelmalek Boudiaf, Minister of Health, Algeria

“This is the moment to ensure that the national response to HIV and AIDS is consistent with commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment. At the occasion of Beijing+20 and in deciding a post-2015 agenda, we urge you to play a decisive role in influencing the new world of post-2015 and ending gender inequality.”

Begoña Lasagabaster, Director, Leadership and Governance, UN Women

“We look up to UNAIDS for its efforts in reconciling humanity with itself and bringing about global partnership.”

Ramtane Lamamra, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Algeria

“The presence of the UNAIDS Executive Director among us represents UNAIDS’ commitment to reinforce collaboration with the League in one of the most important health issues posing undeniable challenges towards economic and social development and threatening health security in countries of the MENA region.”

Laila Negm, Director, Health and Humanitarian Affairs, League of Arab States


African Union: translating political commitments into action

30 June 2014

African Heads of State committed to sustain efforts to ending AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by adopting the recommendations stated in an AIDS Watch Africa report—including prioritizing AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in the new development goals in order to ensure that the continued international financing of the response will not be threatened—during the twenty-third African Union Summit, held from 20 to 27 June in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.

The report by AIDS Watch Africa, an Africa-led instrument to stimulate leaders into action and mobilize the resources needed to address AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in an effective, sustainable and accountable manner, stresses the need for continued international support in the spirit of shared responsibility and global solidarity. However, it also stresses the importance of developing solutions towards innovative domestic financing for health, and urges countries to continue prioritizing rights-based responses.

During his visit to Equatorial Guinea, Michel Sidibé met with Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea, where he pledged to provide UNAIDS technical assistance in order to help achieve a more effective and coordinated response to HIV. Mr Sidibé also met with Uganda President Yoweri Museveni, who announced that he will send back to Parliament for revision the controversial HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Bill 2010 introduced on 19 May.

While in Malabo, Mr Sidibé also participated in the extraordinary General Assembly of the Organisation of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA). At the General Assembly, the First Ladies launched their activity report, which includes plans to minimize the number of women infected and affected by HIV in their countries, the role of traditional healers in achieving universal access to HIV treatment and the provision of free antinatal and postnatal check-ups for women.


"Africa is committed to the realization of a continent free of AIDS."

Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of Mauritania and Chairperson of the African Union

"UNAIDS is willing to make sure that the work agreed at the continental level is translated into regional and national action plans."

Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director


Tunisia commits to take a leadership role in the response to AIDS in the region

20 June 2014

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé commended Tunisia for its leadership role in the AIDS response in the Middle East and North Africa region during his meeting with President Moncef Marzouki on 20 June in Tunis, Tunisia. Mr Sidibé also congratulated the country for its selection to host the 18th International Conference on HIV/AIDS and STI’s in Africa (ICASA) in 2015.

President Marzouki placed Tunisia among the pioneer countries to ratify the Arab Convention on HIV Prevention and Protection of the Rights of People Living with HIV—adopted in March 2012 by the Arab Parliament—and promised to push for AIDS to remain on the post-2015 development agenda. At the end of the meeting, President Marzouki signed the Protect the Goal ball, pledging his commitment to raise global awareness of HIV.

During his three-day visit to the country, Mr Sidibe also met with representatives of civil society and affected communities, the Vice-President of the National Constituent Assembly, Mehersia Labadi, the Minister of Health, Mohamed Salah Ben Ammar, the Minister of Finance, Hakim Ben Hamouda, and Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank.

In discussions with community leaders, Mr Sidibé stressed the important role of civil society in advocating for a rights-based approach in the AIDS response and the need for governments to engage them more in the political dialogue. He also emphasized the urgent need for legislative reform and a public health approach towards people who use drugs, to avoid criminalization and ensure access to HIV services.

Mr Sidibé also reiterated the importance of domestic funding to ensure a sustainable response to the epidemic, while stressing the need to establish a concrete investment plan that focuses resources where they are most needed.


“The signing of the Protect the Goal ball marks a new movement to ensure that no one is left behind in the AIDS response. UNAIDS is committed to supporting Tunisia effort towards ending the epidemic.”

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé

"Strong governments should not be afraid of strong civil society".

Elie Aaraj, President, Regional/Arab Network Against AIDS (RANAA) and Director of the Middle East and North Africa Harm Reduction Association (MENAHRA)

"Every key population is the key solution. We don’t work for the community, but with it and under its leadership."

Johnny Tahoma, Executive Director of the M Coalition, the first regional network of men who have sex with men

"Advocacy and awareness raising with parents and young people to protect themselves is needed to curb the HIV epidemic among our youths."

Vice-President of the National Constituent Assembly, Meherzia Labidi


5th Francophone conference on HIV/AIDS in Casablanca

This week in Casablanca, countries came together to speak with a common voice and with one common goal – stopping AIDS from making further inroads in French-speaking countries. Representatives from around 50 French-speaking countries wrapped up the 5th Francophone conference on HIV/AIDS today.


UNAIDS Executive Director visits Lebanon

UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé concluded an official visit to Lebanon on 29 September. Mr Sidibé recognized and supported the country’s achievements in the HIV response and welcomed the Government of Lebanon’s strong commitment to introduce oral substitution therapy into the country’s public health system.


Agreement to accelerate the local production of medicines in Africa

31 March 2014

UN leaders and the African Union agreed at a meeting held in Abuja, Nigeria, on 30 March to join together to respond to the challenges that the pharmaceutical industry in Africa is facing in strengthening the local production of essential medicines and moving the continent towards sustainability of treatment programmes for HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Seventh Joint African Union Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and the UNECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

Africa is highly dependent on foreign medicines, with 70% of them being imported; local production of quality medicines is therefore imperative to guaranteeing life-saving treatment in Africa. Local production will result in many benefits, including better quality assurance, shorter supply chains and fewer stock-outs.

Since one of the major challenges for the pharmaceutical industry in Africa is the establishment of an African regulatory agency, the participants agreed that their next meeting will focus on that issue.


“Access to affordable and quality medicines is critical to achieving our shared goal of ending AIDS, ending extreme poverty and reducing the burden of other diseases. Solidarity on global health is essential and imperative. It is value for money. It saves lives.”

Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director

“I really believe we should work together if we want to see a sustainable pharmaceutical industry developed in Africa.”

LI Yong, UNIDO Director General

“We are on the right path. I am impressed by the work of the regional economic communities and the UN agencies.”

Onyebuchi Chukwu, Minister of Health of Nigeria

“We should take into account what the regional economic commissions have achieved, and build on it.”

Erastus Mwencha, African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson

“We must develop a business case if we want to convince African banks to invest in the pharmaceutical industry.”

Carlos Lopes, UNECA Executive Secretary

“We are the strongest advocate for the implementation of the business plan of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plan for Africa.”

Paul Lartey, Federation of African Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations

Feature Story

The Council of Arab Ministers of Health endorses strategy to halt the HIV epidemic in Arab countries

17 March 2014

The Council of Arab Ministers of Health endorsed on 13 March the Arab AIDS Strategy (2014-2020) during its 41st Ordinary Session held at the League of Arab States. The new Strategy is intended to guide the development of a coordinated and consensus-driven regional response to HIV.

In his opening remarks, Nabil El Araby, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, noted the importance of the landmark achievement. “I congratulate the efforts made to finalize the Arab AIDS Strategy which began with a Saudi initiative and was concluded with the support of UNAIDS, international organizations and concerned civil society organizations,” he said.

The new strategy comprises 10 goals which are aligned to the targets set in the 2011 United Nations General Assembly Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS while maintaining a broader vision for an AIDS-free generation beyond 2015. The 10 goals of the strategy include: To reduce HIV incidence among key populations at higher risk of infection by more than 50%; to eliminate new HIV infections among children; to increase HIV treatment coverage to 80%; to address stigma and discrimination; to improve AIDS financing; to address the special vulnerability of women and girls; and to review the policies around travel restrictions.

In a resolution of endorsement, the Ministers of Health requested that the League of Arab States and UNAIDS work closely to support and monitor the implementation of the strategy at country level. The League will provide seed funding to kick-start the implementation of the strategy through the organization of three high-level forums to discuss issues related to women leadership, media and religious leaders.

“Health is one of the basic and principle rights for each individual without discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion or political, economic or social affiliation,” said Adel Adawy, Egyptian Minister of Health and Population. “Raising the level of public health for the whole society is principle to achieving peace and security.”

UNAIDS worked closely with the League of Arab States, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other member states to provide political and technical support to develop the strategy. A series of consultations, workshops and technical validation meetings were organized as well as high-level advocacy conducted at regional and global level for the endorsement of the strategy by the Council of Arab Ministers of Health.

“The endorsement of the Arab AIDS Strategy demonstrates a longstanding commitment and leadership to the AIDS response in Arab countries,” said Yamina Chakkar, UNAIDS Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, on behalf of UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé. “We thank the Council for making the Arab AIDS Strategy possible and for being an important ally in helping to shape how we will work towards ending the AIDS epidemic in the post-2015 era,” she added.

The rise in new HIV infections makes the Arab region home to one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in the world. Between 2001 and 2012, the estimated number of people living with HIV in the League of Arab States member countries increased from 140 000 to 210 000. Since 2001, the number of people newly infected with HIV in the Arab countries has increased by more than 44%—from 18 000 to 26 000and between 2001 and 2012 there was a 69% increase in AIDS-related deaths in this region.

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