Central African Republic marks Zero Discrimination Day

Message from the UNAIDS Executive Director on Zero Discrimination Day 2021

Reporting the realities faced by LGBTI people and people living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific

“We must move forward, only forward”

COVID-19 spurs on multimonth dispensing of HIV treatment in Cambodia

UNAIDS welcomes the appointment of Andrew Spieldenner as Executive Director of MPact

Gaps in antiretroviral therapy coverage among prisoners living with HIV

Tuberculosis testing gap among people living with HIV is narrowing

People living with HIV in Kyrgyzstan have won the right to adopt

Making a mark on the COVID-19 pandemic: joint efforts to meet the needs of young key populations in Asia and the Pacific

UNAIDS welcomes the United States of America’s decision to support women’s health, safety and rights

“Maybe I am the lucky one”

We are off track to meet the 2020 targets on the number of voluntary medical male circumcisions

UNAIDS calls for the release of five humanitarian workers detained in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Central African Republic: producing HIV estimates in the context of crisis

New guidance on ethical HIV prevention trials published

Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV declining in some regions, rebounding in others

Remembering Andrew Mosane, AIDS activist and progressive “radical”

Challenge the stigma, pursue your right to health

The road to PrEP in Guyana

UNAIDS calls for the LGBT community in Uganda to be treated with respect and dignity at all times

Vulnerability mapping to help sex workers in Bangladesh and Myanmar

Attaining UNAIDS’ proposed societal and legal barrier targets could stop 440 000 AIDS-related deaths

First-ever Jamaica transgender strategy looks beyond health

Hope from Tiraspol

Y+ Global launches COVID-19 fund to support young people living with HIV

Joint statement calling for urgent country scale-up of access to optimal HIV treatment for infants and children living with HIV

Lima joins the Fast-Track cities initiative

Coming together to address the cost of inequality

UNAIDS applauds the vote by Bhutan’s parliament to repeal laws that criminalize and discriminate against LGBT people

New modelling shows COVID-19 should not be a reason for delaying the 2030 deadline for ending AIDS as a public health threat

The COVID-19 pandemic and women living with HIV: Caroline Damiani

UNAIDS calls for rights-based and people-centred universal health coverage

Fund to help key populations during COVID-19 launched

UNAIDS calls on countries to put human rights first to beat pandemics

PrEP in the City: campaign for transgender women aims to increase PrEP uptake in Thailand

New HIV infections among gay men and other men who have sex with men increasing

Dakar addiction centre reaches out to women

Snapshots on how UNAIDS is supporting the HIV response during COVID-19

UNAIDS calls on more to be done for paediatric HIV treatment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

HIV community activists tackle COVID-19 in Lesotho

World AIDS Day 2020 message from UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima

In South Africa, young women leading HIV and violence prevention say men’s involvement is key

HIV treatment target for 2020 to be missed

Stephen Watiti: a personal journey that imprints on others

Study shows how COVID-19 is impacting access to HIV care in the Russian Federation

UNAIDS calls on countries to step up global action and proposes bold new HIV targets for 2025

UNAIDS calls for the elimination of the neglected pandemic of violence against women and girls

Turning around the HIV response in Odesa

UNAIDS and UNFPA launch the fourth annual progress report of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition