Uniting communities to end the epidemics of AIDS and tuberculosis

Kyiv commits to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030

Investing in community-led action will be critical to ending the AIDS epidemic

Implementing comprehensive HIV and STI programmes with transgender people

Investing in community advocacy and services to end the AIDS epidemic

EECAAC 2016 opens with an urgent call to eastern Europe and central Asia to get on the Fast-Track to end AIDS

UNAIDS welcomes South Africa’s groundbreaking National Sex Worker HIV Plan

Agenda for zero discrimination in health care

Celebrate individuality and stand out on Zero Discrimination Day

Economic Community of Central African States creates a special fund for health to strengthen its response to AIDS

HIV and drug resistance

African Union ambassadors mobilize for the United Nations High-Level Meeting on AIDS

High-level panel on access to medicines

UNAIDS joins forces with the One Million Community Health Workers campaign to achieve the 90–90–90 treatment target

UNAIDS joins forces with the One Million Community Health Workers campaign to achieve the 90–90–90 treatment target

African Union Summit takes place in Addis Ababa with a focus on human rights

Algeria leads push to end the AIDS epidemic in the Middle East and North Africa
Global Platform to Fast-Track HIV responses among gay men and other men who have sex with men around the world

Empowering women living with HIV

Getting on the Fast-Track in the Middle East and North Africa

Regional platform to scale up HIV testing and treatment is launched in western and central Africa

High-level panel meets to find innovative solutions to expand access to medicines

Men, boys and AIDS: reframing the conversation

iCount competition: data tracking for HIV information and services for young people

How Quezon City in the Philippines is turning around the AIDS epidemic

On World AIDS Day 2015, Executive Director of UNAIDS calls on countries to quicken the pace of action

Discussing Fast-Track at ICASA

Three new agreements announced with the potential to expand access to innovative HIV treatment in low- and middle-income countries

UNAIDS welcomes release of new guidelines from the World Health Organization on the use of antiretroviral medicines

UN-Habitat and UNAIDS present Ending the AIDS epidemic: the advantage of cities at the Africities Summit

UNAIDS urges countries across Africa to Fast-Track their response to HIV

Accelerating the HIV response in Equatorial Guinea

Countries adopt UNAIDS Fast-Track Strategy to double number of people on life-saving HIV treatment by 2020

UNAIDS and Luxembourg promote the 90–90–90 treatment target

UNAIDS and Luxembourg promote the 90–90–90 treatment target

UNAIDS joins cervical cancer initiative
India and Africa strengthen partnership on accessible and affordable medicines

Prime Minister calls for urgent action to respond to the growing AIDS epidemic in the Russian Federation

Malawi signs new agreement to boost response against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

New report on HIV treatment launched for parliamentarians

Responding to AIDS in Djibouti

New commitment to the UNAIDS Fast-Track approach to achieve the 90–90–90 treatment target in Malawi

A call to Fast-Track access to antiretroviral therapy

Twenty-year anniversary of the historic TRIPS Agreement: innovation and access to medicines

Council of Europe report upholds public health interests regarding the pharmaceutical industry

UNAIDS welcomes new World Health Organization guidelines on the use of antiretroviral medicines

UNAIDS welcomes bold new HIV prevention and treatment targets from PEPFAR

UNAIDS calls on governments and the pharmaceutical industry to maintain commitment to accessible and affordable medicines

UNAIDS works with Globo Television to reduce new HIV infections among young people in Brazil

Thailand leads the way in the Asia–Pacific region to ensure that all children are born HIV-free