Making the end of AIDS real: consensus building around what we mean by “epidemic control” — a meeting convened by the UNAIDS Science Panel — Glion, Switzerland, 4–6 October 2017
06 de octubre de 2017
Over the course of the three days of the meeting, a shared understanding was achieved that strong measures and targets for HIV service coverage and the impact target for ending AIDS as a public health threat are already in place. There was agreement that a new summary metric that signals countries’ progress towards ending AIDS as a public health threat and ultimately zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths would be a useful addition to (a) dispel the notion that AIDS is no longer a problem or that a tipping point of certain success will soon be reached, and (b) to help drive policy-makers and galvanize continued political commitment and financial investment in the HIV response.
Zero Discrimination Day 2019 - Act to change laws that discriminate
15 de febrero de 2019
HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map — Accelerating HIV prevention to reduce new infections by 75%
10 de octubre de 2017
Confronting discrimination
02 de octubre de 2017
Agenda for zero discrimination in health-care settings
15 de febrero de 2017
Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free — A super-fast-track framework for ending AIDS among children, adolescents and young women by 2020
26 de septiembre de 2016
Stand Out - Zero Discrimination Day 2016
13 de febrero de 2016
2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS
05 de febrero de 2016
AIDS by the numbers 2015
24 de noviembre de 2015
Invest in HIV prevention
15 de noviembre de 2015
Fast-Tracking combination prevention
19 de octubre de 2015