The private sector and the AIDS response
AIDS is not over
The world is united around a commitment to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030 and has embraced UNAIDS’ ambitious vision of zero new HIV infections, zero AIDS-related deaths and zero discrimination. We have made notable strides forward. We know that, where prevention is implemented well and at scale, it works. There are more people receiving treatment than not, and we now have real momentum behind ending HIV-related stigma and discrimination and ensuring that no one is left behind. Despite this promising progress, we face headwinds – ending AIDS as a public health threat is not a foregone conclusion.
Responding to HIV matters to business.
Business cannot succeed unless societies are healthy. Successful private sector leaders recognize that the well-being and security of the communities they serve are essential to their shared futures. Equally, we cannot end AIDS without the active participation of the private sector. Unlike most other health crises, HIV largely affects people in the prime of their life. This is not only a high cost to society, but also a barrier to economic growth. Nine out of 10 people living with HIV are adults in their most productive years. In the most affected countries, HIV takes a direct toll on markets, investments, services and education.
Ending AIDS by 2030 requires a collective response
Governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society and businesses each possess important, unique and complementary resources and capabilities to contribute to the global AIDS response. When different sectors succeed in combining those assets, the potential for greater impact increases significantly.
What business can add to the AIDS response
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to how business can contribute to the AIDS response. Across industry sectors, major differences in capacity, competencies and constraints influence the approach and contribution of business to tackling HIV and AIDS. Business innovations in products and services, relationships with employees, consumers and policymakers, core capabilities in logistics, data analytics and marketing and financial and human resources can all help to fill gaps in publicly funded HIV testing, prevention and treatment programmes.
How UNAIDS can support business
Our mission is to catalyse more and better business action toward the AIDS response – and to align business action with the efforts of governments, civil society, donors and Cosponsors for maximum impact. Our support and value add to business lies in four areas: technical expertise, data, country presence and convening power and policy advocacy.
For more information on how your business can contribute to the AIDS response, please contact: