North America

Press Statement

UNAIDS welcomes US proposal to remove entry restrictions based on HIV status of individuals

Geneva/Washington, July 7, 2009 — UNAIDS welcomes the notice from 2 July 2009, issued by the US Government of a proposed rulemaking to remove entry restrictions based on HIV status of individuals. UNAIDS is opposed to restrictions on entry, stay and residence based on an individual’s HIV status.  Such restrictions are discriminatory, and there is no evidence that they protect the public health. Some 60 countries have some form of such restrictions. One hundred and eight countries have no such restrictions.

In its rulemaking notice, the US government concludes “maintaining HIV infection on the list of excludable conditions for entry into the US would not result in significant public health benefits. Further, this approach is not in line with current international public health practice. This approach continues discriminatory practices and contributes toward the stigmatization of HIV-infected persons.”

The announcement of the proposed rulemaking by the US Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a positive step toward removing such restrictions in the United States.


The US Government is soliciting public comment on the proposed rule change over the next 45 days. UNAIDS will follow the situation closely and provide comments to the US Government in an effort to encourage positive developments.

The proposed rule can be found at:  
The public can file electronic comments by e-mail to:

UNAIDS welcomes US proposal to remove entry restr

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UNAIDS Washington
John Hassell
Tel. +1 202 223 7611



28 septembre 2007

It’s a real pleasure to be back here. This is the third time I’ve spoken here at the Woodrow Wilson Center. I’ve spent a lot of time in Washington over the years, and this has been always an important stop. The research and the activism at the Woodrow Wilson Center are really crucial for our campaign to fight AIDS.


Written testimony provided by Dr Piot Executive Director Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS to the Senate committee on Health, Education; Labor and Pensions (HELP)

11 décembre 2007

My name is Peter Piot and I am executive director of UNAIDS. Thank you for inviting me to testify today before the Senate Health, Labor and Pensions Committee about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the work of UNAIDS to address this epidemic, and the critical difference that PEPFAR has made in the global fight against HIV/AIDS.


Speech by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS at Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC, 14 September 2009

14 septembre 2009

AIDS as Health, Dignity and Security: A New Paradigm for the Future of the Global Response. Dear friends and colleagues, it is a privilege to deliver my first speech in Washington among friends and colleagues here at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.


Universal access for men who have sex with men: winds of change; signs of hope

17 septembre 2009

I thank Chairman Howard Berman and Congresswoman Barbara Lee for their leadership on this issue. I would also like to thank the “MSM Policy Working Group” of the Global AIDS Roundtable for organizing this Forum and inviting me to say a few words. I am honoured to share the platform with my good friend Ambassador Eric Goosby, who brings extensive experience working with the gay community’s early response to the epidemic and San Francisco and to all of you working on the front lines.

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