UNAIDS Executive Director’s World AIDS Day 2012
Ahead of World AIDS Day, UNAIDS Executive Director attended the unveiling of the United States of America new plan of action that provides a roadmap for how the US Government will work to help achieve an AIDS-free generation. He then travelled to Haiti to commemorate this year’s World AIDS Day.
20th international AIDS conference
25 juillet 2014
UNAIDS encourages Haiti to eliminate HIV in children

01 décembre 2012
World AIDS Day message 2012 from UNAIDS Executive Director
01 décembre 2012
Ahead of World AIDS Day CEOs call to end HIV travel restrictions

28 novembre 2012
Unique art exhibition explores vulnerability to HIV
20 décembre 2011
World AIDS Day 2011 around the Globe
01 décembre 2011
2011 UN High Level Meeting in New York
28 juin 2011
Life Ball 2011
24 mai 2011