What does HIV prevention mean to you?
What does HIV prevention mean to you? Write it on your hand, take a photo, and share it.
More than 2 million people are infected with HIV every year. The world must take urgent & immediate action to close the #HIVprevention gap.
#Condoms are an integral and essential part of comprehensive & sustainable #HIVprevention programmes. bit.ly/2cZKJwy
Antiretroviral therapy reduces the risk of #HIV transmission and saves #children's lives. bit.ly/2cZKJwy #HIVprevention
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Everyone has a right to #HIVprevention & should be able to access #prevention methods that fit their lives. bit.ly/2cZKJwy
Key populations must have access to the full range of #HIVprevention options to protect themselves & their sexual partners from #HIV.
Viral load suppression helps PLHIV stay healthy and prevents transmission of #HIV to other people. bit.ly/2cZKJwy #HIVprevention
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The gains made in ART coverage are largely responsible for a 26% decline in #AIDS-related deaths. bit.ly/29Bjgji #HIVprevention
Global coverage of antiretroviral therapy reached 46% at the end of 2015. bit.ly/29Bjgji #HIVprevention
In situations of vulnerability and disempowerment, #PrEP can return #HIVprevention to individual control. bit.ly/29Bjgji