Rapid review to take stock of the joint UNAIDS-IAPAC Fast-Track Cities project
04 mars 2021
The Joint UNAIDS-IAPAC Fast-Track Cities Project, launched in 2018, is a collaboration between UNAIDS and the International Association of Providers of HIV Care (IAPAC), supported by the US Government. It aims to provide essential technical support to 15 priority high-burden cities to accelerate their HIV responses towards achieving key Fast-Track targets and delivering on the commitments of the Paris Declaration on Fast-Track Cities Ending the AIDS Epidemic. This rapid review takes stock of progress over the first phase of the programme (2018-2020) in all the 15 high-burden cities. The review provides useful feedback to UNAIDS, IAPAC and municipalities for improving collaboration and achievement of results, informing the next planning phase, and enabling continued progress, also considering effects of the concurrent COVID-19 pandemic.
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