UNCTAD World Leaders Summit: Dialogue on building a more prosperous development path: Matching the scale of the moment — UNAIDS Executive Director remarks
05 octobre 2021
Global health is not a dream. Access to good quality health care is the right of every single human being on this planet. And it is achievable. But we have accepted for decades a distorted economic order, where the things that really matter in life have been considered secondary to market pluralism.
Opening of the 10th edition of AFRAVIH - HIV & COVID colliding pandemics – From disruption to transformation
08 novembre 2020
UNAIDS Executive Director's speech — Opening of the 45th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board
10 décembre 2019
World AIDS Day report launch, Nairobi, Kenya, 26 November 2019
26 novembre 2019
Our wake-up call — UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé’s speech at the opening ceremony of AIDS 2018
24 juillet 2018
UNAIDS Executive Director's report to PCB-42
28 juin 2018
UNAIDS Executive Director’s report to PCB-41
14 décembre 2017