Feature Story


06 novembre 2007

The impact of HIV in Central America: The United Nations Report
United Nations agencies and programs are committed to taking all the necessary measures to intensify Central America’s response to the HIV epidemic. This announcement was made by the Regional Directors for Latin America and the Caribbean of UNAIDS and UNICEF, participating in the 5th Central American Congress on HIV – CONCASIDA 2007.
Read press release ( en | es )


UNAIDS Executive Director's opening speech

UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot gave one of the key note speeches at the official opening ceremony of CONCASIDA. During his speech he highlighted the need to deal with the tough issues that lie at the core of the AIDS epidemic in Central America and called for strong and exceptional leadership on AIDS.
Read UNAIDS Executive Director's opening speech ( en | es )
Listen to UNAIDS Executive Director's opening speech (mp3, 2.2 Mb, recorded on location)
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Princess of Norway visits grassroots AIDS organization

As part of an official visit to Nicaragua to learn more about the impact AIDS is having on women, UNAIDS Special Representative, HRH the Crown Princess of Norway visited a grassroots AIDS organisation working on human rights and the sexual and reproductive rights of women and children.
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Second meeting of the Americas on AIDS, prisons and confinement

One of the key meetings taking place in the framework of the V Central American Congress on AIDS (CONCASIDA) was the Second meeting of the Americas on AIDS, prisons and confinement which was held in Managua on 4th and 5th November. Read more



The 5th Central American Congress on HIV is being held in Managua, Nicaragua, from 4-9 November. Over 1,500 participants are expected to attend the Congress including representatives from governments, the United Nations, people living with HIV, women’s organizations, religious groups and the private sector. Read more