À noter: L'ONUSIDA ne facture jamais de frais, quelle que soit l’étape du processus de recrutement (candidature, entretien, traitement, formation ou autres frais quels qu’ils soient). En savoir plus
Poste vacants - catégorie Professionnelle
Operations Officer (XB), NO-B, ChinaNO-B Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4, Beijing China. Closing Date: 06/12/2024
Technical Officer, Equitable and Sustainable Financing of HIV Response, NO-C (XB), PhilippinesNO-C Temporary Appointment under Staff Rule 420.4, Manila Philippines. Closing Date: 10/12/2024
Postes vacants - catégorie Services généraux
There are currently no vacancies under this category.Stages
There are currently no vacancies under this category.Junior Professional Officer (JPO) openings
German JPO positions with UNAIDS
Japanese JPO positions with UNAIDS
Swedish JPO position with UNAIDS