UNAIDS employment information
What does UNAIDS offer:
Below you will find information on what UNAIDS offers to staff members recruited on a fixed-term appointment or on a temporary appointment under Staff Rule 420.4.
Employment Conditions:
The below overview of Employment Conditions is meant to provide as much detail as possible on salary structures, allowances and benefits available to staff members of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) serving on a fixed-term appointment or on a temporary appointment under Staff Rule 420.4. The information contained in these documents is generic and it is neither authoritative nor binding. On assumption of duty, new staff members will be provided with a comprehensive induction briefing on their duties, obligations, benefits and entitlements by their HR Business Partner:
- Employment Conditions for staff in the Professional and Higher Categories appointed on a fixed term appointment
- Employment Conditions for staff in the Professional and Higher Categories appointed on a temporary appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
- Employment Conditions for staff in the General Service and National Professional Officers Categories appointed on a fixed-term appointment or on a temporary appointment under Staff Rule 420.4
Staff members in the Professional and Higher Categories are paid on the basis of salary scales applied worldwide and established by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the recommendation of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). The current applicable salary scale can be accessed through the following URL: https://icsc.un.org/Home/DataSalaryScales. A post adjustment allowance is payable, in addition to the net base salary. The US$ post adjustment amount may be adjusted either for variations in the cost-of-living or in the exchange rate between the US$ and the local currency at the duty station. This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards. The current applicable post adjustment multiplier rate can be found by selecting the country of the duty station and the post adjustment tab at https://icsc.un.org/
Staff members in the General Service (GS) and National Professional Officers (NO) Categories are paid according to a local salary scale. Salary scales are reviewed periodically on the basis of comprehensive surveys of the best prevailing conditions of employment in the locality. The current applicable salary scale can be accessed through the following URL: https://www.un.org/Depts/OHRM/salaries_allowances/salaries/gsumoja.htm
Pension Fund:
Staff members appointed initially for six months or more become full participants in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF), which also provides disability and survivor benefits as a result of accident or illness.
The current contribution by the staff member is 7.9% of pensionable remuneration with UNAIDS contributing 15.8% as employer’s share. The percentages may vary as necessary at the discretion of the United Nations General Assembly. Staff members who leave UNAIDS before qualifying for retirement benefit, may elect to have their contribution plus accrued interest refunded to them on separation, subject to the Regulations and Rules of the UNJSPF.
Membership in the UNJSPF is governed by the “Regulations, Rules and Pension Adjustment System of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund”. Please click here to download a copy of the UNJSPF Regulations and Rules effective 01 January 2023.
Staff Health Insurance (SHI):
The SHI provides for the reimbursement of 80% of the major portion of recognized medical expenses. The standard rate of reimbursement is 80%, however ceilings apply to some benefits. Staff members participate in the WHO Staff Health Insurance (SHI) as a condition of their employment. Participation is also mandatory for their dependants who are recognized by UNAIDS.
Please click here to download “Staff Health Insurance Rules”, effective January 2023.
Staff Regulations and Staff Rules:
Contractual relationships between staff members and UNAIDS are administered within the framework of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules of the World Health Organization and the Introduction to the WHO Staff Regulations and Rules for persons appointed to UNAIDS, and the related policies of UNAIDS and/or WHO. These documents will prevail over the information provided in the Employment Conditions, in case of any inconsistency.
Policies, procedures and standards of conduct
The relevant policies, procedures, and standards of conduct applicable at UNAIDS can be accessed below:
- Standards of Conduct of the International Civil Service
- WHO Policy on Whistleblowing and Protection Against Retaliation
- WHO Policy on Preventing and Addressing Abusive Conduct
- WHO Policy Directive on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
- WHO Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct