World AIDS Day 2015 — B-roll
Please use the images in the context described. Unless indicated the HIV status, sexual orientation or any other characteristic of people in the images are unknown and should not be described inappropriately. If in doubt, contact UNAIDS.
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Broll Shotlist
TRT: 6:46
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Broll_2015_1Dec_FULL-H264 HD BROADCAST.mp4
(Shot in Ethiopia October 2015)
Entoto Beth Artisan, a local business that employs around 120 women living with HIV to make leather goods and traditional jewellery.
Wide shot - Addis Ababa city
Addis Ababa street, traffic
CU Flag of Ethiopia
Entoto Beth Artisan entrance and sign
CU women working at wooden table
CU jewelry
Women standing together
Crowd shots
SOT Woman working at Entoto Artisan Centre (Amharic): I’m Zoditu Azen, my life wasn’t good before this. I used to earn money by carrying wood in the mountain. It was a difficult life because of my HIV status but since I joined here I am comfortable, it’s a much better life that I am leading.
SOT Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director (English): We have millions of people left behind… There are 22 million people living with HIV who are not accessing treatment. Their life is hanging in the balance. The job is not done, it is unfinished business. If we stop, if we don't continue our efforts, unfortunately we will have a rebound in the epidemic.
We have been moving from despair to hope. Let us end this epidemic by 2030.
(Shot in Ethiopia, 2014)
Wide shot Fanaye Hailu and other women walking
Fanaye preparing coffee her daughter joining along
CU mother and daughter hugging
Fanaye with a young woman leafing through a visual guide regarding HIV prevention.
Fanaye Hailu is a woman living with HIV since the age of 17. Antiretroviral therapy made the virus nearly undetectable in her body and when she was pregnant and breastfeeding she adhered to her treatment. Her baby girl named Betty was born HIV free and is now nearly ten. Fanaye teaches other women in her community about prevention and treatment.
(Shot in Panama October 2015)
HIV Prevention and Counselling for women
Edith Tristan is a Panamanian woman living with HIV, member of the International Community of women with HIV/AIDS since 1997. She follows up on human rights violations against people living with HIV and monitors health care to people living with HIV.
(Shot in India 2014)
Transgender AIDS activist Simran Sheikh
Simran Sheikh arriving at counselling center
Settling in at desk
CU of her face
Counselling session with individual man
UPSOUND “always use a condom”
Counselling with men and transgender group
Simran Sheikh at home looking in mirror
Preparing coffee
Taking her antiretroviral treatment
CU glass
CU pill box
SOT Simran Sheikh (in English): Transgender people are particularly at risk of HIV is first and foremost because of the lack of opportunity, they are pushed into begging, into sex work. ///
I mostly motivate my community members, my friends, my peers to come and avail the free treatment which is available at the government hospitals.
Gabon youth (classroom setting // woodworking workshop)
China health clinic
Blood Testing facility
Peer Counselling
Condom demonstration
Cambodia Rapid HIV test
Woman wearing surgical gloves
Prepping hand, finger prick
Harm Reduction Center (needle exchange center)
Syringes and condoms
Handover of syringes
OVERALL STATISTICS 2014/2015 an estimated:
§ 15.8 million people were accessing antiretroviral therapy (June 2015)
§ 36.9 million [34.3 million–41.4 million] people globally were living with HIV (end 2014)
§ 2 million [1.9 million–2.2 million] people became newly infected with HIV (end 2014)
§ 1.2 million [980 000–1.6 million] people died from AIDS-related illnesses (end 2014)
Victoria Beckham on the Fast-Track to end AIDS
Two separate files of Victoria Beckham UNAIDS trip to Ethiopia.
FULL (text incrusted):
Charlotte Sector Tel + 41 22 791 5587
Other videos: UNAIDS YouTube channel
Victoria Beckham's UNAIDS trip to Ethiopia
FULL (text incrusted):