Blind spot — Reaching out to men and boys

On #WorldAIDSDay, UNAIDS report shows that men are less likely to take an HIV test, less likely to access antiretroviral therapy and more likely to die of AIDS-related illnesses than women.

Globally less than half of all men living with HIV are on treatment, compared to 60% of women. #Myrighttohealth = access to life-saving treatment. #WorldAIDSDay

UNAIDS #WorldAIDSDay report shows that, in sub-Saharan Africa, fewer than 1 in 3 men aged 15-49 years (30%) reported ever having tested for HIV and received their result compared to 42% of women. #Myrighttohealth = access to HIV testing.

UNAIDS #WorldAIDSDay report shows that in western and central Africa only 25% of men living with HIV are accessing treatment. #Myrighttohealth = access to HIV testing.

Most HIV prevention methods are controlled by men, yet their uptake is low. This #WorldAIDSDay and every day, #myrighttohealth = access to #HIVprevention.

UNAIDS #WorldAIDSDay report shows that outside of eastern and southern Africa, 60% of all new HIV infections among adults are among men. #Myrighttohealth = access to #HIVprevention.

Men who have sex with men are 24 times more likely to acquire HIV than men in the general population. #Decriminalization of key populations empowers the most vulnerable to access #HIVprevention, testing & treatment.

New UNAIDS #WorldAIDSDay report shows that 58% of the 1 million deaths due to AIDS globally occur among men. #Myrighttohealth = access to health care when it is needed.

#EndingAIDS requires the engagement of everyone—men and women. #WorldAIDSDay