AIDS2016 - Suggested tweets
Women & girls
Advancing gender equality & #women’s sexual & reproductive health rights is key to #endingAIDS. #AIDS2016
Empowering #women to make their own #health choices can change the trajectory of the HIV epidemic. #AIDS2016
Political commitments & collective action needed to #FastTrack ending AIDS among #women & girls by 2030. #AIDS2016
Programmes to provide sexual & reproductive #health services are essential 2 reduce new #HIV infections. #AIDS2016
Everyone has a right to HIV prevention & should be able to access prevention methods that fit their lives. #AIDS2016
The rate at which new #HIV infections are declining needs to accelerate to meet the #FastTrack targets. #AIDS2016
Additional HIV #prevention options are urgently required to respond to unmet prevention needs. #AIDS2016
In situations of vulnerability and disempowerment, #PrEP can return #HIV prevention to individual control. #AIDS2016
Today, the life expectancy of a PLHIV who is on ART is the same as that of an
HIV-negative person. #AIDS2016
It will be impossible to end the #AIDS epidemic without bringing HIV #treatment to all who need it. #AIDS2016
Antiretroviral therapy enables people to safeguard their #health & prevent #HIV transmission. #AIDS2016
Human Rights
#Stigma & #discrimination are among the foremost barriers to HIV prevention, treatment, care & support. #AIDS2016
Everyone, everywhere should have quality #health services. #AIDS2016