34th PCB Meeting - July 2014
Documents of the meeting
- Decisions and recommendations
- Executive Director's report
- Agenda PCB-34
- Agenda Item 1.2 Report of the 33rd PCB
- Agenda Item 1.4: Report of the Chair of the Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations (CCO)
- Agenda Item 3 Update on the AIDS response in the post-2015 development agenda
- Agenda item 4 Follow-up to the thematic segment from the 33rd PCB meeting: HIV, adolescents and youth
- Agenda Item 5.1: UBRAF 2012-2015 Mid-term review
- Agenda Item 5.1 Key findings from external reviews and assessment of UNAIDS 2012-2013
- Agenda Item 5.1: Country case studies: Cameroon, Guatemala, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Jamaica and Ukraine
- Agenda Item 5.2 UNAIDS Performance Monitoring Report 2012-2013
- Agenda Item 5.2: UBRAF 2012-2015 Revised Indicator Framework
- Agenda Item 5.3 Financial Report and audited financial statements
- Agenda Item 5.3 Interim financial management update for the 2014-2015 biennium for the period 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2014
- Agenda Item 6 Update on strategic human resources management issues
- Agenda Item 7: Statement by the representative of the UNAIDS Staff Association
- Agenda Item 9: Thematic Session Annotated agenda
- Agenda Item 9: Thematic Segment: Addressing social and economic drivers of HIV through social protection
Information for the 34th meeting
- Agenda item 3: Post 2015 presentation
- Agenda Item 4: Follow-up Thematic Segment from the 33rd PCB: HIV, adolescents and youth
- Agenda Item 5.1-5.2: Mid-term review of the UBRAF
- Agenda Item 5.3: UBRAF Financial reporting
- Agenda Item 6: Human Resources presentation
- Agenda Item 9: Social Protection PEPFAR program
- Agenda Item 9: World Bank Cash transfers: Social protection and HIV
- Agenda Item 9: South African experience: Cash, care and HIV-risk for adolescents in South Africa
Conference Room Papers
- Agenda Item 3 CRP1: UNAIDS-Lancet Commission: Synthesis report of consultations
- Agenda Item 3 CRP2: UNAIDS-Lancet Commission: Youth Online review
- Agenda Item 5.1 CRP3: UNAIDS 2012-2015 UBRAF: Snapshots: 30+ High Impact Countries
- Agenda Item 5.2 CRP4: UNAIDS engagement with the Global Fund and PEPFAR
- Agenda Item 5.2 CRP5: UNAIDS engagement with civil society
- Agenda Item 9 CRP6: Thematic segment: Country Submissions