Global AIDS update 2019 — video news b-roll
Global HIV Update: UNAIDS report shows how boosting community support can help to jumpstart progress
GENEVA, 16 July 2019— The pace of progress in reducing new HIV infections, increasing access to treatment and ending AIDS-related deaths is slowing down according to a new report released today by UNAIDS. The report, Communities at the Centre, shows a mixed picture with some countries making impressive gains while others are experiencing rises in new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths.
Globally, around 1.7 million people became newly infected with HIV in 2018, a 16% decline since 2010, driven mostly by steady progress across most of Eastern and Southern Africa. South Africa, for example, has made huge advances and successfully reduced new HIV infections by over 50% and AIDS-related deaths by around 40% since 2010. However, there have been worrying increases in new HIV infections in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (29%), in the Middle East and North Africa (10%), and in Latin America (7%).
The number of people newly added onto treatment every year has been steadily increasing since 2010, reaching 23.3 million of the 37.9 million people living with HIV last year. Around 770 000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses, a significant reduction from the 1.7 million people who died at the peak of the epidemic in 2004.
In 2018 an estimated:
- 37.9 million people globally were living with HIV
- 23.3 people were accessing treatment
- 1.7 million people became newly infected with HIV
- 770 000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses
- 74.9 million people have become infected with HIV since the start of the epidemic
- 32.0 million people have died from AIDS-related illnesses since the start of the epidemic For additional materials go here:
Please use the images in the context described. Unless indicated the HIV status, sexual orientation or any other characteristic of people in the images are unknown and should not be described inappropriately. If in doubt, contact UNAIDS.
Click here to download: UNAIDS Broll July2019
TRT: 4:30
Tembisa Township, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
Wide shot Tembisa township
Wide street shot people walking along Various shots of people at an outdoor market Young people pouring out of school
Four girls in school uniform walking
Girls and peer counsellor Selokela Molamodi sitting and chatting School boys playing football on sandy pitch
Peer counsellor Selokela Molamodi at home taking care of her sister Selokela and mom leaving their house, walking in street
Man taking his antiretroviral treatment
Various shots of pill, pill box, pill in hand, glass of water
Global declines in AIDS-related deaths have largely been driven by progress in eastern and southern Africa and South Africa, for example, has made huge advances and successfully reduced new HIV infections by over 50% and AIDS-related deaths by around 40% since 2010.
Ouagadougou, BURKINA FASO
CU Exterior shot of health clinic sign AAS
Interior shot, Assistant in front of Get tested for HIV sign A male nurse testing a patient (finger prick)
CU of strips with blood sample
HIV counsellor Marata Zongo picking up patient from HIV testing room Counsellor (nat sound) giving advice on using condom
CU condom package and her showing how to take it out
Nat Sound in French: “Vous verifiez la date de péremption, vous le déchirez comme cela, vous le faites sortir, prenez le bout, chassez l’air qui est dedans”
Check the expiry date, rip package like this, take it out and chase air out of the top”
Wide shot Dr. and male patient CU of Dr talking to patient
Wide shot patient and Dr behind curtain Dr. inspecting patient, head lamp on
CU patient’s hands with PrEP pills (PrEP is pre-exposure prophylaxis—the use of antiretroviral medicines to prevent HIV among people who are HIV-negative)
CU PrEP pill bottle and info card Wide shot stack of pills
Male nurse, AAS Pharmacist Aziz Traoré
“On a intérêt à reactiver ou à réactualiser la prevention au sein de la population générale parce qu’on pensait avoir gagner le combat mais malheureusement ce n’est pas, a mon humble avis, éffectif.”
“We need to update and restart prevention campaigns among the general population because we thought we had won the fight but in my humble opinion it’s not effective.”
Bobo Dioulasso , BURKINA FASO
CU sign of HIV NGO AED (Association Espoir pour Demain) Wide young men milling about outside AED
Interior young men and women settling in classroom Wide classroom shot
CU two young girls listening
AED founder Christine Kafando animating youth workshop
“On se rend compte que les personnes les plus touchées (par le VIH) aujourd’hui sont les jeunes de 14 à 24 ans et ça c’est inadmissible dans un contexte où on a eu pas mal de mobilisation, pas mal d’accompagnement qu’on puisse oublier une cible si importante.”
“We realize that the people most affected (by HIV) today are young people aged 14 to 24 and that is inadmissible after years of mobilization and support could we have overlooked a generation like that."
St Petersburg, RUSSIA
Wide street shot snowy day
Person walking in health drop-in centre Gigieya Person taking to nurse at entrance
CU Free Test packets (HIV self-test) kits
Peer counsellor with patient conducting oral fluid HIV test CU oral fluid HIV test
Nat Sound in Russian: “It (HIV) is transmitted sexually by unprotected sex and only condoms can protect you.”
CU bucket of condoms... Pan to HIV/Hepatitis pamphlets Health practitioner taking notes regarding used syringe drop-off CU dropping used syringes in bucket
CU used syringes
Health practitioner taking condoms and syringes out from stock Pan of him handing all over to client
Russia has a growing HIV epidemic and it has been largely concentrated among injecting drug users (IDU). Gigieva along with Astra are two health centres providing medical services,
counselling, HIV testing, legal and psychological care. They also distribute condoms, self-test HIV kits, and clean syringes among other things.
“Globally we have seen a decline of 16% in new infections but that really varies by region. While we see good success in eastern and southern Africa primarily driven by South Africa, we are not seeing that success in eastern Europe and central Asia, primarily because of Russia.
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. Other videos can be found on the UNAIDS YouTube channel.
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Global AIDS update 2019