UNAIDS calls for access to HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons,...
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Specialized medical waste management equipment for Republic of Moldova’s...
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UNAIDS calls for urgent action to strengthen social protection programmes...
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Ensuring access to quality, safe, and non-discriminatory services for HIV...
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UNODC, WHO, UNAIDS and OHCHR joint statement on COVID-19 in prisons and...
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COVID-19 in prisons—a ticking time bomb
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United Nations agencies coordinate their COVID-19 response in South Africa
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UNAIDS welcomes the appointment of Ghada Fathi Waly as Executive Director...
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Model Drug Law for West Africa presented to ministers of health on the...
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UNODC launches World drug report 2016
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World drug problem: putting people, health and human rights at the centre
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Towards a people-centered approach to the world drug problem
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2015 UNODC World Drug Report: drug use must be addressed as a pressing...
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People who inject drugs must not be left behind
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World drug report 2014: more needs to be done to tackle injecting drug use...
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World drug report 2014: more needs to be done to tackle injecting drug use...
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Harm reduction works
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Investing in harm reduction––sound economic sense
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HIV high on the agenda at the fifty-sixth session of the Commission on...
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Alternative action on compulsory detention: Innovative responses in Asia
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HIV in Libya: New evidence and evolving response
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Joint UN Statement calls for the closure of compulsory drug detention and...
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Recognizing the needs of female injecting drug users in north-east India
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New monitoring centre helps tackle HIV in prisons in Latin America and the...
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Commission on Narcotic Drugs adopts resolution on scaled up HIV prevention...
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Strategies for “getting to zero” and stopping new HIV infections among...
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Methadone substitution therapy helps prevent new HIV infections in Belarus
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Kenya to adopt comprehensive HIV prevention package for people who inject...
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African HIV prisons network receives prestigious international award
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UNODC: humane and effective drug dependence treatment
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UNODC project provides cross-border HIV services to Afghan injecting drug...
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HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe will be highlighted at Vienna AIDS...
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Call for urgent action to improve coverage of HIV services for injecting...
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Spotlight on the Middle East and North Africa Region
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UN Office on Drugs and Crime tackles HIV in prisons
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Advocating for HIV and Hepatitis C co-infection services for injecting...
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UNAIDS Cosponsors out in force for 9th ICAAP
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Joint action for results: UNAIDS outcome framework, 2009 – 2011
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UNODC and Brazil promote action on AIDS in prison settings
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UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations meet
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UNODC and Iran sign agreements to reduce vulnerability of women and Afghan...
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Injecting drug use and HIV: Interview with UNAIDS Team Leader, Prevention...
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OPINION: Silence on harm reduction not an option
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ICASA 2008: HIV in prison settings
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Making a difference: UNAIDS in Iran
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51st session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
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United Nations calls for unified action in fighting AIDS across...
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