
Leave no one behind and that includes people who use drugs

UNAIDS and Africa CDC tackle misinformation around COVID-19 and HIV in Africa

Popular and dedicated singer Samba Peuzzi calls for ending HIV infections among children

Young women leaders in Senegal push for more education for their peers

Capitalizing on experiences to improve HIV care for key populations in western Africa

Training on data on the location and size estimates of key populations in western and central Africa

Gender inequalities in Senegal highlighted on Zero Discrimination Day

Lessons learned from HIV for COVID-19 in Senegal

“When people are asked to isolate themselves, we also need to make sure that they have food and medicine”

Investing in communities to make a difference in western and central Africa

Senegal supports efforts to increase treatment coverage for people living with HIV in western and central Africa

Eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and scaling up paediatric care of HIV in western and central Africa

Senegalese mayors commit to Fast-Tracking the HIV response in their cities

First integrated drug treatment centre in Senegal

Africa Rising: leaders meet to discuss sustainable development that leaves no one behind

Young African leaders meet to accelerate action on the MDGs

UNAIDS welcomes the Republic of the Congo and Senegal as its first African donors

Senegal commits to reducing AIDS dependency

Senegal: a success story of AIDS investments and impact

UNAIDS and Global Fund support countries in west and central Africa to optimise resources for HIV

National ownership of the AIDS response essential for universal access in West and Central Africa

New book sheds light on women and men’s access to care and experience of care-giving in African countries

Judicial officials convene in Dakar for consultation on HIV, the law and human rights

Leaders call on countries to optimize resources for the AIDS response

UNAIDS and the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations sign a Memorandum of Understanding

No African child should be born with HIV by 2015

Revitalizing community mobilization for universal access in West and Central Africa
UNAIDS welcomes the release of nine men in Senegal imprisoned for their sexual orientation

Leadership in Senegal’s AIDS response
UNAIDS and broad coalition working towards the release of nine men who have sex with men in Senegal who have been convicted and imprisoned

Public and private sector partnerships in the AIDS response: An opportunity for innovation and leadership
ICASA 2008: Men who have sex with men and HIV in Africa

Religious and traditional leaders discuss HIV at ICASA 2008

ICASA 2008: Long term financing for a sustainable response in Africa

ILO and workplace leaders pledge action at ICASA 2008

ICASA 2008: Free condoms in hotels as part of HIV prevention initiative

Understanding HIV transmission for an improved AIDS response in West Africa

ICASA 2008: Africa AIDS conference to look at progress made and challenges ahead

ICASA 2008: Collaborative TB and HIV activities essential

Human rights and gender in HIV-related legal frameworks