
Feature Story

Interviews with the candidates for WHO Director-General

18 May 2017

At the upcoming World Health Assembly, which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 22 to 31 May, the new Director-General of the World Health Organization will be elected. For the first time, and after a selection process that started in September 2016, all World Health Organization Member States will cast their vote for one of the three final candidates for the position.

Since their nomination, all three candidates have been presenting their ideas and vision around health-related topics. The three final candidates, David Nabarro, Sania Nishtar and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, have spoken to about the AIDS epidemic and global health.

Question: As Director General of WHO, what will be your three priorities to advance progress in ending AIDS by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals?


The first priority must be to stop tackling HIV/AIDS as an isolated issue and make services for people affected by HIV/AIDS an integral part of universal health coverage, and also linked with services for other chronic diseases.

The second is to review the lessons of work to empower people at risk of HIV/AIDS using a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) lens and then use the information derived from this review as a basis for mainstreaming HIV-related action across all the SDGs (see below).

Just as the AIDS movement redefined public health between 2000 and 2015, it now needs to help bring public health into the SDGs with a completely new narrative. This narrative must emphasize the interconnections between the SDGs and the need to leave no one behind, and show that health is central to achieving this.


To defeat the epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) needs to continue work in partnership and push the ambitious agenda approved at the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS. Universal access to early safe treatment—getting to universal coverage still needs a lot of work—and countries need support to be able to work out how to deliver lifelong treatment. WHO will strive to be sure that we are on top of the evidence and able to fail fast and fix fast as new evidence sheds light on how to reach people and sustain them on treatment to reduce the community viral load.

Only then can we expect to curb transmission. For prevention—while we now have some effective interventions to programme—we still need to add to our toolkit and WHO will work to ensure new evidence and experience is brought into programmes as quickly as feasible. Addressing HIV requires universal health coverage for the core evidence-based package, a rights-based approach and an understanding of the key role of social determinants.

With that in mind we need to focus on ending transmission. This means continuing to promote universal testing and treatment, with a focus on the most vulnerable groups, including adolescent girls and people who use drugs, understanding the value of pre-exposure prophylaxis and, of course, ultimately we need a vaccine.  

WHO’s role in this is to continue to provide evidence-based policy guidelines and build up our toolkit to make progress towards universal health coverage. We know that countries are struggling to implement the existing guidelines. WHO needs to continue to bring rigor, evidence and a public health approach to the response so that we can provide practical and clear guidance on how to deliver services in different contexts (rural, urban) and to those people that don’t normally have contact with the health system.

WHO also needs to support countries to have the data and management systems in place to deliver a real-time public health response, with a view to actually preventing transmission. 


Over the last 20 years, we have made tremendous progress on combating AIDS. I commend the advocacy and leadership role of UNAIDS in achieving these results and coordinating and harmonizing the United Nations system’s response to the AIDS epidemic. If elected as Director-General, I will have the following three priorities as part of the health sector AIDS response.

First, I will champion efforts to sustain the progress we have made so far without complacency and to renew our commitments to end AIDS as a public health problem by 2030. The global commitment for the Sustainable Development Goals offers a profound opportunity to tackle the structural, social and economic changes needed to end AIDS. I will ensure the World Health Organization (WHO) is part and parcel of these efforts, working alongside UNAIDS, the United Nations system, Member States, civil society and community groups.

Second, my topmost priority as Director-General of WHO will be universal health coverage, and I will work to ensure that each person living with HIV has access to the HIV prevention, treatment and care services they need. We will give due emphasis to HIV prevention and addressing comorbidities, such as HIV-associated tuberculosis, as well as the growing concern of noncommunicable diseases. Universal health coverage will also help key HIV populations, such as sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people, migrants and adolescents, reach HIV prevention, treatment and care services. WHO will provide Member States with the normative tools, guidance and support they need to implement these policies.

And finally, I would prioritize building strong, community-based health systems which can design and implement locally tailored prevention and treatment programmes. This will include strengthening primary health-care systems to deliver HIV prevention, treatment and care. Ensuring investment in health systems will not only help us manage HIV/AIDS, it will also support our efforts to prevent and treat other communicable and noncommunicable diseases, as well as prevent and respond to future health emergencies.


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

Question: How important do you feel the lessons learned in the AIDS response are in shaping the future of global health?


The response to AIDS taught us a great deal, and was extremely important in shaping global health. First of all, it taught us to focus on the people and patients, as opposed to the medical condition or the virus. By shifting the focus in this way, the movement was effective in engaging civil society and a wide range of actors in combatting the condition, and, importantly, also the stigma attached to it. The second important issue brought to light in the AIDS response was ensuring that all persons at risk—whatever their place in society—were able to have full access to the services they needed: leaving no one behind. Hard work was done to ensure that HIV status, a person’s gender, sexual preference or substance use should never be an excuse for discrimination, which is certainly crucial to all global health areas of work. Thirdly, the AIDS response demonstrated the importance of multistakeholder and intersectoral approaches and broke new ground in providing a good model of how to work in an integrated way across agencies on complex health issues within the United Nations.


The AIDS response more than any other has taught us four critical lessons for the future of global health. The power of ambition, power of community engagement, the benefits of a multisectoral response and lessons to reorient acute-care health systems towards chronic disease management.  

On the first point, the AIDS community was one of the first to push for universal access. Seen as heretical at the time, the AIDS community said everyone, everywhere can and should be treated. Through South–South cooperation antiretrovirals were made accessible to those that needed them most and millions of people are now alive because of it.   

Second, the AIDS response has shown us that the community matters and health is everybody’s business. Community health workers trained in treatment literacy were key to breaking down social stigma and encouraging people to get tested and to take up treatment.

Thirdly, the AIDS response has shown us the power of partnership and while the outcome of a disease may be a health outcome (e.g. people get sick or die) prevention and treatment on a universal scale requires engagement of all players—government, private sector, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, civil society, academia—and all sectors—education, food security, water and sanitation, transportation.

In the fourth place, the scale-up of services in lower-income countries has created the first large-scale continuity care programmes. Although HIV and chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are thought of as different challenges, there are many commonalties, as far as the health systems response is concerned, since the availability of treatment has transformed HIV into a chronic condition. HIV programmes have developed the systems, tools and approaches needed to support continuity of care. These lessons can help in mainstreaming the management of NCDs in country health systems planning.

Overall, we have also learned that we cannot see any disease area in isolation—to address HIV/AIDS we need an effective, strong system, which means people, funding, hardware, leadership and data to drive decision-making.

Our experience with HIV has shown us the shortcomings of systems built around one-time episodic care and that success is only possible when the beneficiary and the provider embark on a journey together as part of the continuum of care. As countries are grappling with a declining burden of communicable disease and a rise of NCDs, we need to build strong health systems that are sustainable and more responsive. This requires a long-term view focused on both people and systems.


I have no doubt that the lessons we learned in the AIDS response have been critical to shaping the future of global health, both in terms of what we need to do and how we need to do it. The AIDS response first and foremost taught us the importance of political advocacy, community mobilization and determination to overcome despair with ambition and solidarity. The lessons of the AIDS response showed us the value and power of multistakeholder engagement and that we cannot address a health issue at its root only by focusing on the health sector. We also learned that with global solidarity we can innovate and mobilize dramatic domestic and international resources for health, which not only had a profound impact on HIV, but also on the broader health system. For example, when I was a Minister of Health of Ethiopia, we created a 2% HIV Solidarity Fund (a pool fund of 2% salary contributions of civil servants) to initiate our HIV treatment programme. Particularly in the face of changing political climates, we need this type of creativity, commitment and multisectoral response as we work to place universal health coverage at the centre of the implementation of all Sustainable Development Goals.

Question: As the AIDS response has scaled up to reach millions, one of the key challenges has been the lack of community health workers and the capacity of the health system to deliver services at the scale. How will you address the challenge of building up the health system to prepare for the next disease outbreak and to meet current health challenges including AIDS and non-communicable diseases?


Governments are increasingly focused on how best to develop health-care infrastructure and staffing so that all people are enabled to access essential health care while—at the same time—ensuring that there are appropriate facilities within which care can be offered to persons who have or are at risk of HIV/AIDS, providing them with health services and lifestyle information. Governments seek to ensure that procurement mechanisms for AIDS medicines work well and enable people in need to access the medicines and take them as directed. They also work hard to ensure the necessary political support to ensure that health infrastructure is rolled out in ways that are sensitive to the needs of people living with HIV. The services offered should take account of the reality that people living with HIV may well end up developing noncommunicable diseases. To this end, national authorities in several countries are looking for ways to incorporate AIDS care within the programmes for chronic diseases. All governments will wish to encourage regional and global collaboration on funding, on technical assistance, on ensuring access to medicines and diagnostics and on securing access to vaccines as they become available.


Here you raise three separate but important issues: the lack of health workers, the need to deliver services at scale and the challenge of building health systems, and how best to prepare for the next disease outbreak.

First, community health workers form the backbone of health services in many countries—in many cases the health workers are women. We must do better in remunerating these women on time for their work, as a pure volunteer model is not sustainable in the long run if we want to retain this part of the workforce. More broadly, implementation of the recommendations of the High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth will work well, both for addressing health workers’ shortages as well as economic growth and health systems strengthening, overall.

I have always believed that strong health systems can deliver on any disease-specific goal. In fact, this has been the message of my book, Choked Pipes. In addition to disease-specific targets, strong and effective systems can also be crucial for the response to pandemics. I will ensure WHO embarks on a course to strengthen the international framework to coordinate and consolidate efforts towards the achievement of universal health coverage, with health systems strengthening as one of its key features. This will also include efforts to overcome systemic barriers and address collusion in health systems, and provide technical support to countries to develop new stewardship mechanisms to tap the potential of providers of services in the non-state sectors, which play a predominant service delivery role in many parts of the world. Under my leadership, WHO will promote universal health coverage as a health policy goal for all countries, and will help ministries of health galvanize commitment at the head of state level. Embracing universal health coverage means building on previous commitments to primary health care and including long-term social policy commitment, domestic resource allocation and a move linking coverage for essential services to financial risk protection.

Finally, on disease outbreaks, there are actions to be taken both in countries as well as within WHO. WHO must work more effectively with Member States to enhance their core public health capacities as demanded by the International Health Regulations. Improvement in disease surveillance will improve health planning, and quick detection and response to outbreaks will save lives. Internally within WHO a new Health Emergencies Programme has been initialized, which I am strongly supportive of and which I will strengthen as a priority. 


Scaling up community health workers and health system capacity must be a fundamental component of our efforts to achieve universal health coverage, which will be my topmost priority if elected as Director-General. These efforts can build on the tremendous progress made and experiences gained in the last two decades tackling HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, neglected tropical diseases, and child and maternal mortality. As part of this effort, we also need to strengthen primary health-care systems with integrated community engagement to address communicable and noncommunicable diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and injuries. These efforts will help not only to deliver evidence-based health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services, but also to enhance prevention, detection, response and recovery efforts for health emergencies.

As Director-General, I will build on my first-hand experience addressing this capacity gap in Ethiopia to support Member States and national health authorities’ efforts to develop and implement policies aimed at ensuring universal health care. In Ethiopia, for example, our flagship Health Extension Programme deployed nearly 40 000 community health workers in every village of the country. HIV prevention was one of their key activities—a focus which has resulted in a 90% reduction of new HIV infections between 2001 and 2012. WHO has a key role to play in sharing these types of lessons learned across countries. It also needs to help build and maintain partnerships among the diverse group of players involved in global health—country governments, donors, the private sector, civil society and academics—to overcome barriers to achieving universal health coverage, including improving access to quality diagnosis and care, essential drugs and financial protections. Finally, I will also work to put and keep universal health coverage on the agenda at the highest political levels possible, maintaining the political will and resources needed to achieve these goals.

Question: How will you ensure that people affected by HIV especially key populations-such as sex workers, gay and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and migrants are not left behind in efforts to achieve universal health coverage.


I see many examples of health professionals, civil society, faith groups, the United Nations and others with an interest working with governments with a view to reducing the stigma in relation to persons who are at risk of HIV and reducing the extent to which they are subject to discrimination that results in their not being able to have proper access to care. To be better able to do this work, health professionals and other stakeholders need support so that they can practice in ways that reduce stigma and discrimination, need access to evidence, need to be able to interact with the general public and need to be able to work closely with each other in solidarity, as it can be challenging and difficult work associated with setbacks as well as successes.


Everyone has a right to health. As with all areas of its work, while recognizing the criticality of national sovereignty, to fulfil its mandate of health for all, WHO must also be the steward and champion of both the right to health and a human rights approach to health.

The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals reaffirm the responsibility of Member States to “respect, protect and promote human rights, without distinction of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national and social origin, property, birth, disability or other status,” signalling a renewed commitment to human rights in the coming global health and development agenda.

Throughout my work as a doctor, in government, civil society, academia and working with international agencies, I have always based my work on the foundation that everyone has the right to quality health services. It was this strong grounding that led me to set up an innovative financing facility in Pakistan that assists the poorest and most marginalized communities to avoid catastrophic expenses when accessing health. I will continue to walk the walk on the right to health as Director-General of WHO.


Our efforts to achieve universal health coverage need to prioritize the needs of the vulnerable and marginalized. Specifically, I believe WHO must champion mechanisms to meaningfully listen to, learn from and engage these groups. This engagement—and what we learn from it—should then be at the centre of our efforts to mobilize resources and hold authorities accountable for the health of all, regardless of age, gender, income, sexual orientation or religion. In addition, it will be essential to improve our evidence base around effective ways to reach the most vulnerable and most marginalized. New research can help us develop data-driven and results-oriented solutions, which will help us maximize the impact of interventions we invest in. Part of this effort will also require us to build and improve the infrastructure for data collection and ensure that the data we collect are used to inform policies. Lastly, WHO is ideally positioned to address inequality in health care, and, if I am elected Director-General, I will be a strong voice and committed champion to ensuring everyone has the right to health care.

Question: What does UNAIDS mean to you? 


UNAIDS is a very important expression of the spirit and solidarity with which we all need to work together to empower actions that will lead to a reduction of the disadvantage and suffering experienced by people who are at risk of HIV and AIDS, as well as those who are actually affected by the disease. It has had a powerful influence on the behaviour not only of the United Nations system but of the whole community of actors engaged in ensuring equitable access to requirements for HIV/AIDS prevention, diagnosis and treatment.


UNAIDS was one of the first examples of a partnership that harnessed the strengths and core competencies of all the United Nations agencies. Under the stewardship of UNAIDs, the United Nations has driven an ambitious agenda, and collectively we have pushed farther and faster towards ending the epidemic—ambitious goals for access to treatment and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV are being met in some countries, and, for the first time, epidemic control and ending transmission seems as possible in a handful of African countries hardest hit.

UNAIDS has also played a key role to keeping a human rights-based approach to our response and ensuring that access to critical prevention and treatment is extended to key populations at risk, including harm reduction for intravenous drug users, and adolescents. UNAIDS has also led the way on how we in health can work with multiple actors—civil society, communities, volunteers and the private sector—to improve coordination and to better leverage the skills, experiences and resources of partners.


I will start with a personal note. It has also been a great pleasure and honour to have had a chance to chair the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) during my time as Ethiopia’s Minister of Health in 2009–2010, and to consider UNAIDS a close partner for more than a decade. It was during my time on the PCB that UNAIDS increased its focus on health systems strengthening and HIV prevention, including country ownership—setting the stage for our universal health coverage efforts. We also worked to implement the new UNAIDS mission statement, which outlined its priorities and vision for the future.

I believe UNAIDS’ provocative leadership has been critical in addressing the AIDS epidemic and converting it from a death sentence to a chronic health condition. Its global role has not only garnered the highest political support for the AIDS response, but also ensured the voices of those affected by HIV and their families are at the centre of the response, including placing civil society within its governance structure. I believe consolidating these experiences will be useful to tackle the structural, social and economic changes needed to end AIDS as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. I also take note of the recent recommendations of the Global Review Panel on the Future of the UNAIDS Joint Programme Model.

If elected Director-General of WHO, I would look forward to continuing our work together and our close partnership.


Reaching the missing millions

17 May 2017

In the past decade, there have been extraordinary leaps in medical technology that have the potential to save lives by dramatically improving the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) and HIV—two of the leading causes of death globally. More remarkable, perhaps, is the fact that these new tests and treatments are available and affordable in almost every country of the world through concerted global efforts to reduce prices.

However, there are millions of reasons why it is too early to celebrate success—the missing millions who are not being reached by HIV and TB services. UNAIDS estimates that in 2015 there were more than 18 million people living with HIV in need of access to life-saving medicines to treat HIV.

More than 10 million people developed TB disease in 2015—only 60% were diagnosed and treated.

Around 400 000 people die from HIV-associated TB every year, including 40 000 children.

New tests have reduced the time to diagnose drug-resistant TB from two months to a matter of hours. Even when effective testing and treatment services for HIV and TB are available free of charge, though, the barriers to accessing them are insurmountable for many of the people who need them most.

“The missing millions are hidden among the world’s poorest, most marginalized populations, such as refugees, sex workers, prisoners, people who use drugs, migrants and people who move to cities in search of a better life and end up in informal settlements, left behind by health and social services,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “Many barriers, including lack of transport, poor education, stigma and discrimination, criminalization and food insecurity, prevent them benefiting from the effective tests and medicines that are freely available today, far less the new technologies of tomorrow.”

UNAIDS, the World Health Organization and other global technical partners and donors are discussing how to overcome these barriers to reaching the missing millions at the Stop TB Partnership board meeting, taking place in Berlin, Germany, on 17 and 18 May.

“Our current problem is not the lack of effective tools, policies and guidelines to treat and prevent tuberculosis and HIV, it is how to turn policies into actions. We need the implementation part: concrete actions to be put in place and scaled up to save the lives of millions of people and guarantee an end to the global epidemics of tuberculosis and HIV,” said Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership.

Our window of opportunity to end the global epidemics of AIDS and TB is shrinking. Health and development priorities are shifting and complacency is setting in. Our global failure to reach the people most in need with the basic services they need to prevent, diagnose and treat TB and HIV enhances the development of drug resistance, which could render TB and HIV untreatable.

UNAIDS is working with partners to reduce TB-related deaths among people living with HIV by 75% by 2020, as outlined in the World Health Organization End TB Strategy, as well as the targets set in the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Plan to End TB 2016–2020, to achieve the 90–90–90 targets to reach 90% of all people who need TB treatment, including 90% of populations at high risk, and achieve at least 90% treatment success, including through expanding efforts to combat TB, including drug-resistant TB. 


Interview with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General elect

24 April 2017

The World Health Organization Member States elected Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as the new WHO Director-General on 23 May 2017 during the World Health Assembly.Dr Tedros will begin his five-year termon 1 July. Ahead of his election, Dr Tedros talked to about the AIDS epidemic and the broader global health landscape.


Question: As Director-General of the World Health Organization, what will be your three priorities to advance progress in ending AIDS by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals?

Over the last 20 years, we have made tremendous progress on combating AIDS. I commend the advocacy and leadership role of UNAIDS in achieving these results and coordinating and harmonizing the United Nations system’s response to the AIDS epidemic. If elected as Director-General, I will have the following three priorities as part of the health sector AIDS response.

First, I will champion efforts to sustain the progress we have made so far without complacency and to renew our commitments to end AIDS as a public health problem by 2030. The global commitment for the Sustainable Development Goals offers a profound opportunity to tackle the structural, social and economic changes needed to end AIDS. I will ensure the World Health Organization (WHO) is part and parcel of these efforts, working alongside UNAIDS, the United Nations system, Member States, civil society and community groups.

Second, my topmost priority as Director-General of WHO will be universal health coverage, and I will work to ensure that each person living with HIV has access to the HIV prevention, treatment and care services they need. We will give due emphasis to HIV prevention and addressing comorbidities, such as HIV-associated tuberculosis, as well as the growing concern of noncommunicable diseases. Universal health coverage will also help key HIV populations, such as sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people, migrants and adolescents, reach HIV prevention, treatment and care services. WHO will provide Member States with the normative tools, guidance and support they need to implement these policies.

And finally, I would prioritize building strong, community-based health systems which can design and implement locally tailored prevention and treatment programmes. This will include strengthening primary health-care systems to deliver HIV prevention, treatment and care. Ensuring investment in health systems will not only help us manage HIV/AIDS, it will also support our efforts to prevent and treat other communicable and noncommunicable diseases, as well as prevent and respond to future health emergencies.

Question: How important do you feel the lessons learned in the AIDS response are in shaping the future of global health?

I have no doubt that the lessons we learned in the AIDS response have been critical to shaping the future of global health, both in terms of what we need to do and how we need to do it. The AIDS response first and foremost taught us the importance of political advocacy, community mobilization and determination to overcome despair with ambition and solidarity. The lessons of the AIDS response showed us the value and power of multistakeholder engagement and that we cannot address a health issue at its root only by focusing on the health sector. We also learned that with global solidarity we can innovate and mobilize dramatic domestic and international resources for health, which not only had a profound impact on HIV, but also on the broader health system. For example, when I was a Minister of Health of Ethiopia, we created a 2% HIV Solidarity Fund (a pool fund of 2% salary contributions of civil servants) to initiate our HIV treatment programme. Particularly in the face of changing political climates, we need this type of creativity, commitment and multisectoral response as we work to place universal health coverage at the centre of the implementation of all Sustainable Development Goals.

Question: As the AIDS response has scaled up to reach millions, one of the key challenges has been the lack of community health workers and the capacity of the health system to deliver services at scale. How will you address the challenge of building up the health system to prepare for the next disease outbreak and to meet current health challenges, including AIDS and noncommunicable diseases?

Scaling up community health workers and health system capacity must be a fundamental component of our efforts to achieve universal health coverage, which will be my topmost priority if elected as Director-General. These efforts can build on the tremendous progress made and experiences gained in the last two decades tackling HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, neglected tropical diseases, and child and maternal mortality. As part of this effort, we also need to strengthen primary health-care systems with integrated community engagement to address communicable and noncommunicable diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes and injuries. These efforts will help not only to deliver evidence-based health promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services, but also to enhance prevention, detection, response and recovery efforts for health emergencies.

As Director-General, I will build on my first-hand experience addressing this capacity gap in Ethiopia to support Member States and national health authorities’ efforts to develop and implement policies aimed at ensuring universal health care. In Ethiopia, for example, our flagship Health Extension Programme deployed nearly 40 000 community health workers in every village of the country. HIV prevention was one of their key activities—a focus which has resulted in a 90% reduction of new HIV infections between 2001 and 2012. WHO has a key role to play in sharing these types of lessons learned across countries. It also needs to help build and maintain partnerships among the diverse group of players involved in global health—country governments, donors, the private sector, civil society and academics—to overcome barriers to achieving universal health coverage, including improving access to quality diagnosis and care, essential drugs and financial protections. Finally, I will also work to put and keep universal health coverage on the agenda at the highest political levels possible, maintaining the political will and resources needed to achieve these goals.

Question: How will you ensure that people affected by HIV, especially key populations, such as sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and migrants, are not left behind in efforts to achieve universal health coverage?

Our efforts to achieve universal health coverage need to prioritize the needs of the vulnerable and marginalized. Specifically, I believe WHO must champion mechanisms to meaningfully listen to, learn from and engage these groups. This engagement—and what we learn from it—should then be at the centre of our efforts to mobilize resources and hold authorities accountable for the health of all, regardless of age, gender, income, sexual orientation or religion. In addition, it will be essential to improve our evidence base around effective ways to reach the most vulnerable and most marginalized. New research can help us develop data-driven and results-oriented solutions, which will help us maximize the impact of interventions we invest in. Part of this effort will also require us to build and improve the infrastructure for data collection and ensure that the data we collect are used to inform policies. Lastly, WHO is ideally positioned to address inequality in health care, and, if I am elected Director-General, I will be a strong voice and committed champion to ensuring everyone has the right to health care.

Question: What does UNAIDS mean to you?

I will start with a personal note. It has also been a great pleasure and honour to have had a chance to chair the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) during my time as Ethiopia’s Minister of Health in 2009–2010, and to consider UNAIDS a close partner for more than a decade. It was during my time on the PCB that UNAIDS increased its focus on health systems strengthening and HIV prevention, including country ownership—setting the stage for our universal health coverage efforts. We also worked to implement the new UNAIDS mission statement, which outlined its priorities and vision for the future.

I believe UNAIDS’ provocative leadership has been critical in addressing the AIDS epidemic and converting it from a death sentence to a chronic health condition. Its global role has not only garnered the highest political support for the AIDS response, but also ensured the voices of those affected by HIV and their families are at the centre of the response, including placing civil society within its governance structure. I believe consolidating these experiences will be useful to tackle the structural, social and economic changes needed to end AIDS as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. I also take note of the recent recommendations of the Global Review Panel on the Future of the UNAIDS Joint Programme Model.

If elected Director-General of WHO, I would look forward to continuing our work together and our close partnership.


Interview with Sania Nishtar, candidate for WHO Director-General

24 April 2017

Question: As Director-General of the World Health Organization, what will be your three priorities to advance progress in ending AIDS by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals?

To defeat the epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) needs to continue work in partnership and push the ambitious agenda approved at the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS. Universal access to early safe treatment—getting to universal coverage still needs a lot of work—and countries need support to be able to work out how to deliver lifelong treatment. WHO will strive to be sure that we are on top of the evidence and able to fail fast and fix fast as new evidence sheds light on how to reach people and sustain them on treatment to reduce the community viral load.

Only then can we expect to curb transmission. For prevention—while we now have some effective interventions to programme—we still need to add to our toolkit and WHO will work to ensure new evidence and experience is brought into programmes as quickly as feasible. Addressing HIV requires universal health coverage for the core evidence-based package, a rights-based approach and an understanding of the key role of social determinants.

With that in mind we need to focus on ending transmission. This means continuing to promote universal testing and treatment, with a focus on the most vulnerable groups, including adolescent girls and people who use drugs, understanding the value of pre-exposure prophylaxis and, of course, ultimately we need a vaccine.  

WHO’s role in this is to continue to provide evidence-based policy guidelines and build up our toolkit to make progress towards universal health coverage. We know that countries are struggling to implement the existing guidelines. WHO needs to continue to bring rigor, evidence and a public health approach to the response so that we can provide practical and clear guidance on how to deliver services in different contexts (rural, urban) and to those people that don’t normally have contact with the health system.

WHO also needs to support countries to have the data and management systems in place to deliver a real-time public health response, with a view to actually preventing transmission. 

Question: How important do you feel the lessons learned in the AIDS response are in shaping the future of global health?

The AIDS response more than any other has taught us four critical lessons for the future of global health. The power of ambition, power of community engagement, the benefits of a multisectoral response and lessons to reorient acute-care health systems towards chronic disease management.  

On the first point, the AIDS community was one of the first to push for universal access. Seen as heretical at the time, the AIDS community said everyone, everywhere can and should be treated. Through South–South cooperation antiretrovirals were made accessible to those that needed them most and millions of people are now alive because of it.   

Second, the AIDS response has shown us that the community matters and health is everybody’s business. Community health workers trained in treatment literacy were key to breaking down social stigma and encouraging people to get tested and to take up treatment.

Thirdly, the AIDS response has shown us the power of partnership and while the outcome of a disease may be a health outcome (e.g. people get sick or die) prevention and treatment on a universal scale requires engagement of all players—government, private sector, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, civil society, academia—and all sectors—education, food security, water and sanitation, transportation.

In the fourth place, the scale-up of services in lower-income countries has created the first large-scale continuity care programmes. Although HIV and chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are thought of as different challenges, there are many commonalties, as far as the health systems response is concerned, since the availability of treatment has transformed HIV into a chronic condition. HIV programmes have developed the systems, tools and approaches needed to support continuity of care. These lessons can help in mainstreaming the management of NCDs in country health systems planning.

Overall, we have also learned that we cannot see any disease area in isolation—to address HIV/AIDS we need an effective, strong system, which means people, funding, hardware, leadership and data to drive decision-making.

Our experience with HIV has shown us the shortcomings of systems built around one-time episodic care and that success is only possible when the beneficiary and the provider embark on a journey together as part of the continuum of care. As countries are grappling with a declining burden of communicable disease and a rise of NCDs, we need to build strong health systems that are sustainable and more responsive. This requires a long-term view focused on both people and systems.

Question: As the AIDS response has scaled up to reach millions, one of the key challenges has been the lack of community health workers and the capacity of the health system to deliver services at scale. How will you address the challenge of building up the health system to prepare for the next disease outbreak and to meet current health challenges, including AIDS and noncommunicable diseases?

Here you raise three separate but important issues: the lack of health workers, the need to deliver services at scale and the challenge of building health systems, and how best to prepare for the next disease outbreak.

First, community health workers form the backbone of health services in many countries—in many cases the health workers are women. We must do better in remunerating these women on time for their work, as a pure volunteer model is not sustainable in the long run if we want to retain this part of the workforce. More broadly, implementation of the recommendations of the High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth will work well, both for addressing health workers’ shortages as well as economic growth and health systems strengthening, overall.

I have always believed that strong health systems can deliver on any disease-specific goal. In fact, this has been the message of my book, Choked Pipes. In addition to disease-specific targets, strong and effective systems can also be crucial for the response to pandemics. I will ensure WHO embarks on a course to strengthen the international framework to coordinate and consolidate efforts towards the achievement of universal health coverage, with health systems strengthening as one of its key features. This will also include efforts to overcome systemic barriers and address collusion in health systems, and provide technical support to countries to develop new stewardship mechanisms to tap the potential of providers of services in the non-state sectors, which play a predominant service delivery role in many parts of the world. Under my leadership, WHO will promote universal health coverage as a health policy goal for all countries, and will help ministries of health galvanize commitment at the head of state level. Embracing universal health coverage means building on previous commitments to primary health care and including long-term social policy commitment, domestic resource allocation and a move linking coverage for essential services to financial risk protection.

Finally, on disease outbreaks, there are actions to be taken both in countries as well as within WHO. WHO must work more effectively with Member States to enhance their core public health capacities as demanded by the International Health Regulations. Improvement in disease surveillance will improve health planning, and quick detection and response to outbreaks will save lives. Internally within WHO a new Health Emergencies Programme has been initialized, which I am strongly supportive of and which I will strengthen as a priority. 

Question: How will you ensure that people affected by HIV, especially key populations, such as sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and migrants, are not left behind in efforts to achieve universal health coverage?

Everyone has a right to health. As with all areas of its work, while recognizing the criticality of national sovereignty, to fulfil its mandate of health for all, WHO must also be the steward and champion of both the right to health and a human rights approach to health.

The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals reaffirm the responsibility of Member States to “respect, protect and promote human rights, without distinction of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national and social origin, property, birth, disability or other status,” signalling a renewed commitment to human rights in the coming global health and development agenda.

Throughout my work as a doctor, in government, civil society, academia and working with international agencies, I have always based my work on the foundation that everyone has the right to quality health services. It was this strong grounding that led me to set up an innovative financing facility in Pakistan that assists the poorest and most marginalized communities to avoid catastrophic expenses when accessing health. I will continue to walk the walk on the right to health as Director-General of WHO.

Question: What does UNAIDS mean to you? 

UNAIDS was one of the first examples of a partnership that harnessed the strengths and core competencies of all the United Nations agencies. Under the stewardship of UNAIDs, the United Nations has driven an ambitious agenda, and collectively we have pushed farther and faster towards ending the epidemic—ambitious goals for access to treatment and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV are being met in some countries, and, for the first time, epidemic control and ending transmission seems as possible in a handful of African countries hardest hit.

UNAIDS has also played a key role to keeping a human rights-based approach to our response and ensuring that access to critical prevention and treatment is extended to key populations at risk, including harm reduction for intravenous drug users, and adolescents. UNAIDS has also led the way on how we in health can work with multiple actors—civil society, communities, volunteers and the private sector—to improve coordination and to better leverage the skills, experiences and resources of partners.


Interview with David Nabarro, candidate for WHO Director-General

24 April 2017

Question: As Director-General of the World Health Organization, what will be your three priorities to advance progress in ending AIDS by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals?

The first priority must be to stop tackling HIV/AIDS as an isolated issue and make services for people affected by HIV/AIDS an integral part of universal health coverage, and also linked with services for other chronic diseases.

The second is to review the lessons of work to empower people at risk of HIV/AIDS using a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) lens and then use the information derived from this review as a basis for mainstreaming HIV-related action across all the SDGs (see below).

Just as the AIDS movement redefined public health between 2000 and 2015, it now needs to help bring public health into the SDGs with a completely new narrative. This narrative must emphasize the interconnections between the SDGs and the need to leave no one behind, and show that health is central to achieving this.

Question: How important do you feel the lessons learned in the AIDS response are in shaping the future of global health?

The response to AIDS taught us a great deal, and was extremely important in shaping global health. First of all, it taught us to focus on the people and patients, as opposed to the medical condition or the virus. By shifting the focus in this way, the movement was effective in engaging civil society and a wide range of actors in combatting the condition, and, importantly, also the stigma attached to it. The second important issue brought to light in the AIDS response was ensuring that all persons at risk—whatever their place in society—were able to have full access to the services they needed: leaving no one behind. Hard work was done to ensure that HIV status, a person’s gender, sexual preference or substance use should never be an excuse for discrimination, which is certainly crucial to all global health areas of work. Thirdly, the AIDS response demonstrated the importance of multistakeholder and intersectoral approaches and broke new ground in providing a good model of how to work in an integrated way across agencies on complex health issues within the United Nations.

Question: As the AIDS response has scaled up to reach millions, one of the key challenges has been the lack of community health workers and the capacity of the health system to deliver services at scale. How will you address the challenge of building up the health system to prepare for the next disease outbreak and to meet current health challenges, including AIDS and noncommunicable diseases?

Governments are increasingly focused on how best to develop health-care infrastructure and staffing so that all people are enabled to access essential health care while—at the same time—ensuring that there are appropriate facilities within which care can be offered to persons who have or are at risk of HIV/AIDS, providing them with health services and lifestyle information. Governments seek to ensure that procurement mechanisms for AIDS medicines work well and enable people in need to access the medicines and take them as directed. They also work hard to ensure the necessary political support to ensure that health infrastructure is rolled out in ways that are sensitive to the needs of people living with HIV. The services offered should take account of the reality that people living with HIV may well end up developing noncommunicable diseases. To this end, national authorities in several countries are looking for ways to incorporate AIDS care within the programmes for chronic diseases. All governments will wish to encourage regional and global collaboration on funding, on technical assistance, on ensuring access to medicines and diagnostics and on securing access to vaccines as they become available.

Question: How will you ensure that people affected by HIV, especially key populations, such as sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and migrants, are not left behind in efforts to achieve universal health coverage?

I see many examples of health professionals, civil society, faith groups, the United Nations and others with an interest working with governments with a view to reducing the stigma in relation to persons who are at risk of HIV and reducing the extent to which they are subject to discrimination that results in their not being able to have proper access to care. To be better able to do this work, health professionals and other stakeholders need support so that they can practice in ways that reduce stigma and discrimination, need access to evidence, need to be able to interact with the general public and need to be able to work closely with each other in solidarity, as it can be challenging and difficult work associated with setbacks as well as successes.

Question: What does UNAIDS mean to you?

UNAIDS is a very important expression of the spirit and solidarity with which we all need to work together to empower actions that will lead to a reduction of the disadvantage and suffering experienced by people who are at risk of HIV and AIDS, as well as those who are actually affected by the disease. It has had a powerful influence on the behaviour not only of the United Nations system but of the whole community of actors engaged in ensuring equitable access to requirements for HIV/AIDS prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

Press Statement

UNAIDS welcomes Achim Steiner as the new Administrator of the UN Development Programme

GENEVA, 20 April 2017—UNAIDS warmly welcomes the appointment of Achim Steiner as the new Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The UN General Assembly confirmed the appointment of Mr Steiner for a four-year term of office at UNDP beginning on 20 April 2017.

“AIDS continues to impact global development efforts and we look forward to working closely with Mr Steiner to build on the many lessons learned in responding to HIV to advance progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS.

UNDP is one of UNAIDS’ 11 Cosponsors and its work includes removing punitive laws, policies and practices that exacerbate gender inequality, stigma and discrimination and hinder effective responses to HIV. It also works to strengthen governance and coordination of national HIV responses to ensure maximum impact and efficiency in efforts to end the AIDS epidemic.

UNAIDS will work closely with Mr Steiner in his new role as Administrator of UNDP in addressing the wide-ranging social and economic impacts of HIV, ensuring respect for the human rights of people living with and affected by HIV and strengthening the synergies between health and sustainable development.

Mr Steiner was the Director of Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford and Professorial Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford in 2016, prior to which he held a number of international positions, including Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (2006-2016), Director-General of the United Nations Office in Nairobi (2009-2011) and Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (2001-2006).


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.


Sophie Barton-Knott
tel. +41 22 791 1697

Press centre

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Press Statement

UNAIDS welcomes David Beasley as new Executive Director of the World Food Programme

GENEVA, 31 March 2017—UNAIDS welcomes the appointment of David Beasley as the Executive Director of the World Food Programme (WFP).

“The appointment of David Beasley comes at a critical moment,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé. “WFP’s work to achieve food security is at the heart of global efforts to break the cycle of hunger and poverty and essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals which include ending the AIDS epidemic.”

WFP has recently reported that more than 100 million people are facing severe food insecurity around the world and 20 million people in four countries (South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Yemen) are currently facing famine.

During humanitarian crises, access to health care services and availability of medicines for people living with HIV are disrupted, and people find it hard to meet their nutritional needs, further risking their health.

WFP, a UNAIDS Cosponsor, works to integrate food and nutrition within the comprehensive care, treatment and support package for people living with HIV and/or active tuberculosis (TB). WFP also works with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to ensure that food security and related needs are adequately addressed among displaced, refugee and returnee populations. Together they support HIV and TB prevention and care, as well as food and nutrition assistance activities in humanitarian emergencies.

Integrating food and nutrition components in HIV and TB treatment and support packages is critical to ensuring better health outcomes for people living HIV and/or TB. In 2015, WFP’s HIV and TB programmes reached 540 000 people.


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.


Sophie Barton-Knott
tel. +41 22 791 1697

Press centre

Download the printable version (PDF)


Supporting efforts to end child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean

24 March 2017

Child marriage is widespread across much of Latin America and the Caribbean, accounting for around 23% of marriages in the region, despite laws against it.

The impact of child marriage and early unions (where one of the members is aged below 18 years of age) on girls and their societies can be devastating. Evidence shows that there is a strong link between child marriage and early unions with child pregnancy, maternal and infant mortality, lower education levels for girls and lower ranking on the human development index. And child marriage and early unions make girls more vulnerable to contracting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

At a high-level side event co-hosted by the Permanent Missions of Panama and Guatemala to the United Nations in collaboration with UN Women, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UNAIDS, lessons learned and programmatic and policy options to address child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean were presented.

In the event, which took place on 17 March at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, United States of America, during the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the participants recognized that child marriage and early unions are a violation of human rights and are a grave threat to the lives, health and future development of girls.

The event focused on the importance of supporting legislative reforms to raise the legal age of marriage to 18 and promoting programmes to empower girls and young women.

The event identified successful approaches and strategies for reducing the rates of child marriage. For example, Panama—where an estimated 26% of girls are married before the age of 18 and approximately 7% before the age of 15—has reformed its national legislation on the legal age of marriage. The minimum legal age for marriage in Panama is now 18 years, as is the age of consent. Previously, with parental permission girls aged as young as 14 years and boys aged 16 years could marry. In Guatemala, thanks to advocacy actions led by UN Women, civil society and international cooperation, reforms to the civil and penal codes have been approved to increase the minimum age for marriage to 18 years.

Since 2015, UNAIDS has partnered with UN Women, UNICEF, UNFPA and PAHO/World Health Organization in a joint initiative on eliminating child marriage and early unions that supports government actions to ensure that, throughout their life cycle, the multiple needs of girls and women are recognized and guaranteed.

UNAIDS is working with countries to eliminate gender inequalities and all form of violence and discrimination against women and girls by 2020, as outlined in the 2016 United Nations Political Declaration on Ending AIDS.


“Child marriage and early unions are a violation of human rights. Full Stop.”

Laura Flores Permanent Representative of Panama to the United Nations

“Ending child marriage is a moral and legal imperative, and it requires action at many levels. Governments, civil society and other partners must work together to ensure that girls have access to education, health information and services, and empowerment.”

César A. Núñez UNAIDS Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean

“I recognize efforts conducted by countries like Panama, Guatemala, Ecuador and Mexico to put an end to child marriage. This is as an example to ensure girls’ human rights.”

Luiza Carvalho Regional Director of UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean

Feature Story

Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in coffee producing areas of Guatemala

08 December 2016

Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV remains one of the major challenges of the AIDS response in Guatemala. In 2015, testing coverage for HIV among pregnant women was 42%. Now, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has teamed up with the Coffee Foundation for Rural Development (Funcafé), the national coffee association, the national AIDS programme and other United Nations agencies, such as UNAIDS and the United Nations Children’s Fund, to promote access to HIV testing, treatment and prevention programmes among women who take up work on plantations during the coffee cutting season.

Seasonal workers employed on coffee plantations often have limited information about HIV and other health issues and restricted access to HIV care and support services. There is also the additional challenge of high levels of mobility and migration among plantation workers. The new programme leverages the network of 16 community health centres established by Funcafé in coffee producing areas of the country’s highlands to provide information related to the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and to promote the uptake of HIV testing and treatment services for pregnant women.

The project aims to diagnose pregnant women living with HIV and refer them to the official health system for further tests to confirm their status and to start antiretroviral treatment. ILO and its partners provide technical support to train community health workers on providing prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services, bringing HIV treatment and prevention services closer to the people who need them and increasing testing and treatment coverage among pregnant women.

“This is an innovative initiative aimed at strengthening women’s access to prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV services by linking the community health system and the national health system and by promoting a multisectoral partnership between the private sector, the Ministry of Health and international partners, with the active participation of communities,” says Ricardo Garcia, UNAIDS Country Director in Guatemala.

Among other aspects, the initiative seeks to train community midwives on HIV prevention and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV on coffee plantations. Midwives play an important role in rural areas as an entry point for pregnant women into the health system. The joint project also aims to raise awareness about HIV prevention and gender equality among male coffee workers and men living in rural areas.  

“Workplace settings are an opportunity to provide access to information about HIV prevention tools as well as to promote health, not only among our employees and their families, but in the communities in which we operate, benefiting the entire population,” explains Mynor Maldonado, the Executive Director of Funcafé.

The initiative is part of a wider programme that ILO and UNAIDS have been implementing since 2013. ILO and its partners are exploring similar initiatives with other agribusiness sectors. 

Feature Story

Reducing the impact of HIV among adolescent girls

11 November 2016

Around 180 young women and adolescent girls from Malawi, Kenya and Uganda have led a pilot project that aims to strengthen the leadership of young women and adolescent girls in the AIDS response. Called Empowerment + Engagement = Equality, the programme aims to build stronger leadership among young women and adolescent girls to engage in national assessments initiated by the All In to #EndAdolescentAIDS platform. The programme addresses issues of gender inequality that heighten adolescent girls’ vulnerability to HIV infection and provides safe spaces where experiences can be shared. 

The initiative, designed and implemented by UN Women and the International Planned Parenthood Federation, mobilized more than 1000 young advocates, including young women living with HIV, to voice their concerns at the local, regional and national levels. As well as sharing knowledge among themselves, the participants engaged in face-to-face and online meetings with parents, teachers, religious leaders and other community stakeholders to discuss how to change harmful gender norms and inequalities that increase the risk of HIV infection.

The First Lady of Malawi, Gertrude Mutharik, participated in one of the discussions and committed her support to challenging the issues that increase the risk of HIV infection among young women, including gender-based violence. The young leaders have continued to advocate at the highest levels, taking part in debates at the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, in July 2016.   

“Some of the most fulfilling work I have done as part of this project is to support other girls like me to feel empowered and in control of their lives,” said Divina Kemunto, from Kenya, “I shared my personal experience and encouraged girls living with HIV to believe that they too can walk with their heads held high and a smile on their face.”

Preventing new HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa is crucial if the world is to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030—in 2015, 75% of new HIV infections in sub-Saharan Africa among adolescents were among adolescent girls aged 10–19 years. Preventing infections means empowering young women and girls to stay in school so they have better economic prospects, ensuring that they have the knowledge, information and tools to avoid unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections and making sure they know what to do when faced with sexual violence.

Laws and policies that discriminate against women and girls must be dismantled and their sexual and reproductive health and rights must be fully respected.

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