
Young people’s inspirational leadership role in India’s HIV response

Indian partners reflect on a year after sex workers’ human rights affirmed

Beyond transgender visibility: India works toward employment equity

UNAIDS welcomes India’s Supreme Court order that the constitutional right of sex workers to life, liberty and dignity must be respected

Ready to be the change

UNAIDS saddened by the death of Smarajit Jana

Lessons from the Ashodaya PrEP project in India

Let transgender people be in the picture

Mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among people living with HIV in India

Services tailored for women who inject drugs in India

The road to equality for LGBTI people in India
State of Gujarat establishes Transgender Welfare Board

UNAIDS welcomes ground-breaking decision by India’s Supreme Court that strikes down law criminalizing LGBTI people

Running Positive: zero discrimination against adolescents living with HIV in India

Women living with HIV in Rajasthan push for social protection and economic opportunities

Mobile phones provide massive potential to move towards e-health systems

Mumbai Fast-Tracks AIDS response by spearheading innovations to end epidemic by 2030

New methods for HIV surveillance and estimates in India

India to provide HIV treatment to all who need it

Health workshop educates youth in India

India announces reaching milestone of 1 million people on HIV treatment
Tireless Indian doctor dedicated to women’s health

ACT!2015: We are all accountable!
India and Africa strengthen partnership on accessible and affordable medicines

Republic of Korea leaders visit India to learn about the HIV epidemic and response

India’s Supreme Court ruling expands possibilities for realization of transgender rights

A call to action against gender-based violence

UNAIDS calls on India and all countries to repeal laws that criminalize adult consensual same sex sexual conduct

UNAIDS lauds India’s progress on access to treatment, urges further scale-up and ‘focusing’ of response

India's Red Ribbon Express train making a difference in the AIDS response

BRICS Ministers of Health call for renewed efforts to face HIV and global health challenges

Advocating for access to treatment for people living with HIV in India

UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador Aishwarya Rai Bachchan supporting pregnant women living with HIV on World AIDS Day

HIV programmes for MSM and transgendered people gradually being scaled up in India

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon leads a high-level mission to India in support of the Every Woman Every Child initiative

Ahead of World AIDS Day UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador Naomi Watts meets with mothers living with HIV in India

Recognizing the needs of female injecting drug users in north-east India

Sex workers on the frontline of the AIDS response in India

India’s Commerce Minister pledges continued availability of high quality generic drugs

UNAIDS rejects prejudice and misconceptions about men who have sex with men and transgender people

Bipartisan Indian political leadership pledges to sustain India’s successful AIDS response

Hitting HIV for six: Star cricketers unite with people living with HIV in India

“Get the Facts, protect yourself”: World-class cricketers champion HIV campaign at 2011 Cricket World Cup

Study tour of Police initiatives in India

UNAIDS Head visits oldest HIV treatment centre in Karnataka

UNAIDS Executive Director joins Chief Minister to launch Learning Site on HIV and sex work in Bangalore, India

UNAIDS Head visits outreach programme for men who have sex with men in Mumbai

Michel Sidibé congratulates Indian sexual minority communities for uniting against Section 377

New initiative to train India’s people living with HIV on AIDS advocacy in the workplace

Michel Sidibé urges India to continue AIDS effort