Social media - On the Fast-Track to end AIDS by 2030: Focus on location and population


  • Countries adopt the @UNAIDS Fast-Track location & population approach to leave no one behind: #WAD2015 #FastTrack 
  • New @UNAIDS report: Front-load investment in high-priority areas to achieve long-term gains. #WAD2015
  • #WAD2015 report highlights innovative approaches used to reach ppl with life-changing #HIV services. w/@UNAIDS
  • .@MichelSidibe: “We have what it takes to break the AIDS epidemic and keep it from rebounding." #WAD2015 w/@UNAIDS


  • Read the World AIDS Day report!

We have what it takes to break the AIDS epidemic. To do it will require a more focused approach to reach the people most affected in the places where most new HIV infections are occurring and where there is a mismatch between the kinds of services people need and what is available.

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  • More and more countries are getting on the #FastTrack to end AIDS. The UNAIDS World AIDS Day report shows how communities, cities and countries around the world are using innovative approaches to reach more people with life-changing HIV services.

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