World AIDS Day 2016 statements
Ban Ki-moonUN Secretary-General |
Michel SidibéUNAIDS Executive Director |
Anthony LakeUNICEF Executive Director |
Helen ClarkUNDP Administrator |
Yury FedotovUNODC Executive Director |
Phumzile Mlambo-NgcukaUN Women Executive Director |
Guy RyderILO Director-General |
Irina BokovaUNESCO Director-General |
Margaret ChanWHO Director-General |
Jim Yong KimWorld Bank Group President |
United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) |
Edward GreeneUN Secretary-General Special Envoy for HIV in the Caribbean |
Marc AngelChampion for the UNAIDS 90–90–90 Fast-Track Treatment TargetRead message English | français | Watch video message |