The Cities Report - Social media
World AIDS Day New @UNAIDS Cities Report #WAD2014 #CitiesEndingAIDS @Paris @IAPAC @UNHABITAT
On #WAD2014 @UNAIDS launched new report on the potential to #FastTrack the AIDS response in cities #CitiesEndingAIDS
New @UNAIDS report outlines #HIV in cities & imp role urban areas will play in ending the #AIDS epidemic #WAD2014
New @UNAIDS Cities Report #Map #WAD2014 #CitiesEndingAIDS @Paris @IAPAC @UNHABITAT
New @UNAIDS report on the potential to #FastTrack the AIDS response in cities. Map: #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
Mayors around the world commit 2 ending the AIDS epidemic #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014 @UNAIDS @IAPAC @UNHABITAT @Paris
The future of human health & development will be won or lost in the world’s cities #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014 @UNAIDS
Lets turn our cities into centers of equity&access by ramping up the urban #HIV response #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
To end the #AIDS epidemic by 2030 we have a fragile five year window to get on track. #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
On #WAD2014 mayors from around the world pledged support to end the #AIDS epidemic by 2030 #CitiesEndingAIDS @UNAIDS
An accelerated #AIDS response in urban centres will b key 2 eradicate the epidemic by2030 #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
By 2030 approx 60% of the global pop will live in cities—twice as much as in 1950 #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
World Mayors join @Anne_Hidalgo & @MichelSidibe in efforts to end
#AIDS epidemic by 2030 #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
Check out 5 Quick facts about cities and #HIV #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
Fact no.1 @UNAIDS
Check out 5 Quick facts about cities and #HIV #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
Fact no.2 @UNAIDS
Check out 5 Quick facts about cities and #HIV #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
Fact no.3 @UNAIDS
Check out 5 Quick facts about cities and #HIV #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
Fact no.4 @UNAIDS
Check out 5 Quick facts about cities and #HIV #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014
Fact no.5 @UNAIDS
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Mayors from around the world commit to ending the AIDS epidemic.
On World AIDS Day city mayors sign a declaration to end the AIDS epidemic and UNAIDS releases a new report on the huge potential of fast-tracking the AIDS response in cities, which outlines the important role urban areas will play in ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. The Cities Report shows how cities and urban areas are particularly affected by HIV, with the 200 cities most-affected by the epidemic estimated to account for more than a quarter of the 35 million people living with HIV around the world. [report cover]
UNAIDS launches The Cities Report
On World AIDS Day UNAIDS released a report on HIV in cities which outlines the important role urban areas will play in ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. The Cities Report shows how cities and urban areas are particularly affected by HIV, with the 200 cities most-affected by the epidemic estimated to account for more than a quarter of the 35 million people living with HIV around the world.
Read 5 Quick facts about cities and #HIV #CitiesEndingAIDS #WAD2014 @UNAIDS