Feature Story

2.5 million people living with HIV in India

04 July 2007

Revised estimates show lower HIV prevalence in India


The Indian National AIDS Control (NACO), with support from national and international experts including UNAIDS and WHO, have used new and improved data and enhanced methodology to produce revised AIDS estimates for India.

The revised estimates show that in 2006, some 2.5 million people were living with the virus and that HIV prevalence among adults was around 0.36%.

Estimates for previous years (since 2002) have also been revised to give a more accurate picture of the trend of the epidemic in India over the past few years.


The revised estimates have been possible largely due to three main factors; a new population-based survey which included an important HIV component; expanded sentinel surveillance which included groups at higher risk of HIV infection, and revised methodology to make the best use of the new data sources.

The estimates give a better understanding of how India’s AIDS epidemic is developing and the new information will be essential in informing AIDS programming in India for the future.


Press release: 2.5 million people living with HIV in India ( en | ru | fr | es )
Fact sheet: India's data collection process (surveys and surveillance) 
Fact sheet: Methodology behind India's estimates
Q & A on India’s revised AIDS estimates
Excerpts from a briefing call on HIV methodologies in India